Ohio State Workshop on Schubert Calculus

May 9-12, 2018


Dave Anderson, Rachel Karpman, Hsian-Hua Tseng.


Please register by filling out this form

Some basic lodging and travel information can be found here.

Reimbursement forms are posted here.


Sara Billey

Anders Buch

Melody Chan

William Fulton

Allen Knutson

Thomas Lam

Leonardo Mihalcea

Brendan Pawlowski

Oliver Pechenik

Rohini Ramadas

Richárd Rimányi

Mark Shimozono

Nicola Tarasca

Julianna Tymoczko

Alexander Woo

Alexander Yong



All talks will be held in CBEC 130, in the Chemistry building. (The link takes you to room info and a campus map.)
Wednesday 5/9 Thursday 5/10 Friday 5/11 Saturday 5/12
9:20: Yong 9:00: Lam 9:00: Tymoczko 9:00: Mihalcea
11:00: Shimozono 10:30: Pechenik 10:30: Pawlowski 10:30: Buch
2:00: Rimanyi 1:30: Ramadas 1:30: Woo 1:30: Billey
3:30: Fulton 3:00: Chan 3:00: Tarasca 3:00: wrap-up
4:30: Knutson

image by Melchior from wikimedia commons