To Actuarial Science Mailing List:

1. SOA developed a new Chartered Enterprise Risk Analyst (CERA)
credential in addition to the existing Associate of the Society of
Actuaries (ASA) and Fellow of the Society of Actuaries (FSA).  In
order to get CERA credential, a candidate needs to pass Exams P,
FM, MFE, C, and a new 6-hour advanced finance and enterprise risk
management (ERM) exam, to satisfy the economics VEE, and to take
an operational risk module and an associateship professionalism
course (APC).  For more information about CERA, see

Note that Exam MLC and VEE in applied statistics and corporate
finance are not required for CERA.

2. Several students have asked about how to get VEE credits from
SOA and CAS.  Before anyone can apply for any of the VEE credits,
one must first pass two preliminary exams (usually P and FM), and
then file application with SOA.  For your convenience, I put
together some VEE information at
following the link VEE.

3. I will not send financial math seminar announcement to everyone
on this mailing list any more, instead I am forming another mailing
list for the seminar.  If you are interested in getting the
announcements, please drop me a line and I will put you on that list.
The information about the seminar and notes/handouts are also
available at

Chunsheng Ban
Actuarial Science
OSU, Math Dept.