Student Homotopy Seminar 

Ohio State University

Time: Tuesdays, 11:30am - 12:30pm

Location: MW 154

Below is a schedule for spring semester, 2020. Schedules of previous semesters can be found by clicking the following links: Autumn 2019.


Date Speaker Topic


Organizational meeting


-- No talk


David White Title: Bousfield localization without left properness, and the Baez-Dolan Stabilization Hypothesis

Abstract: We will begin with an overview of an old problem, due to Baez and Dolan, that applied higher category theory to the study of mathematical physics (via topological quantum field theories). I will show how to reduce the statement of the Baez-Dolan Stabilization Hypothesis from a statement in higher category theory (we choose the setting of Rezk’s Theta_n spaces) to one in abstract homotopy theory. I’ll then sketch how to prove the Stabilization Hypothesis using semi-model categories, n-operads, and Cisinski’s locally constant presheaves. A key new ingredient is a result that does left Bousfield localization for non-left proper model categories. This is joint work with Michael Batanin.


Duncan Clark Title: Inducing A_{\infty}-monoids via the box product

Abstract: The box product is a formal multiplication for cosimplicial objects that is known to induce A_{\infty} monoid structure on the totalization of certain cosimplicial objects. In this talk, I will give a description of the box product and as an application show how it can be used to induce an A_{\infty}-monoid structure on the space of based loops on a pointed space X given by concatenation. Using this example as inspiration, I will then outline an argument for giving \partial_* Id — the symmetric sequence of Goodwillie derivatives of the identity functor — a “homotopy coherent” operad structure.


Matt Carr An introduction to spectra


Scott Newton [Cancelled due to illness]


Gabe Bainbridge A preliminary proof of Smith's theorem for accessible model categories


Niko Schonsheck Fibration theorems for TQ-completion of structured ring spectra


Duncan Clark


-- Spring break


Matt Carr


Yu Zhang


Angelo Taranto


Michael Horst *thesis defense, public portion


Niko Schonsheck


Scott Newton


-- Final exams

* denotes an unusual time or date



This page maintained by Duncan Clark

Last modified 1/3/2020