ETH Zurich Algebra-Topology Seminar, Oct 15, 2pm. Title: Polynomial invariants of graphs on surfaces and virtual knots. Abstract: There is a natural (Euler-Poincare) duality of graphs cellularly embedded into a surface. The faces of one graph correspond to vertices of its dual and the edges of the graph transversally intersect the correspondent edges of the dual graph at a single point. We generalize this duality to a duality with respect to a subset of edges. The dual graph might be embedded into a different (genus) surface. Moreover this generalized duality works for embeddings to non-orientable surfaces as well. For graphs on surfaces there is a generalization of the Tutte polynomial called the Bollobas-Riordan polynomial. I will explain a relation between the Bollobas-Riordan polynomials of dual graphs and give an application of it to the knot theory. The results are explained in arXiv:0711.3490.