Heidelberg Knot Theory Semester Mon. Dec. 15 - Fr. Dec. 19, 2008. http://www.mathi.uni-heidelberg.de/~banagl/hkts.htm Title: Combinatorics of Gauss diagrams and the HOMFLYPT polynomial. Abstract: Many link invariants can be expressed in terms of Gauss diagrams. In particular any Vassiliev knot invariant can be expressed in terms of some "subdiagrams" of the Gauss diagram. I'll discuss this approach to invariants coming from the HOMFLYPT polynomial. This approach allows to define HOMFLYPT polynomial for links with ordered components and with a based point on each component. Such definition directly extends to virtual links. Our description generalizes the Gauss diagram formulas for the Conway polynomial obtained earlier jointly with Michael Khoury and Alfred Rossi. This is a joint work with Michael Polyak.