MoWeFr 10:20AM - 11:15AM Bolz Hall 432 and TuTh 10:20AM - 11:15AM Enarson Classroom Bldg 240
Starting Wed: MTWThF 10:20AM - 11:15AM, Enarson Classroom Bldg 318
Instructor: Ovidiu Costin
office: MW 404
Office Hours: Mo 5PM-6:30PM
An Introduction to Complex Function Theory, by Palka, Springer ed 1995
ISBN: 9780387974279
General information
Every day after lecture you need to solve the homework problems (click here). The list of problems is updated daily after lecture.
Problems not assigned to be turned in for grading: you are responsible for solving these problems by the next lecture (which usually means: next day by 10:20 a.m.)
Occasional quizzes will consist of problems
very similar to these.
The quizzes will be worth 5 points each. No
make-up quizzes will
be allowed, but the two lowest scored will be dropped.
Writing up and turning in for grading:
problems listed are
a guide to help you master the material. To achieve this goal, you may
need to solve more, or fewer such problems. These do not need to be
turned in for grading. (Keep their solutions to help you review for the
these there are problems selected to be solved, written up and turned
in for grading.
The due date will be posted on the website (the due date is usually
on a Tuesday). The grader will randomly choose three problems for
grading, each worth 2 points: one for a good solution, one for a good
presentation and sufficient explanations. Always justify your answers
and calculations!
No late homework will be accepted.
Writing up solutions:
You must show all your work (show calculations, provide
explanations, cite theorems). An answer alone may not receive full
Q: How do I know how detailed my explanations should be?
Have in mind a classmate who does not know how to solve the
problem. All he is provided with is your written solution. Now
your classmate understands in detail how to solve the problem.
Also, I will always try (and hopefully succeed) to set a good example
in class, and write on the blackboard what I would like to see in
There will sometimes be 'Bonus problems” posted. These are optional. Please do write up solutions to bonus problems on a separate sheet of paper (do not forget to write you name!), and place them in a separate pile than the regular homework.
final grade will be
determined by your total number of points as follows:
Midterm exam I 100 points
Midterm exam II 100 points
Final exam 200 points
Homework and Quizzes 150 points
There will be two midterm tests, which are tentatively scheduled for
Mo, Feb. 13, and Mo, Mar 27.
Final exam: according to the university schedule (check
here) Thursday Apr 27 10:00am-11:45am.