KOALA 2025: 3rd Workshop of the Kentucky-Ohio ALgebra Alliance

June 5-6, 2025

Mathematics Department
The Ohio State University
Columbus, OH, USA

Design courtesy of Kiumars Kaveh

This event is funded by the Mathematics Research Institute and National Science Foundation under CAREER grant DMS 1945212 and RTG grant DMS-2231565.

Registration: For planning purposes, all participants (including invited speakers), are asked to register online. Registration will be open through Friday May 11, 2025. Please fill out the following registration form.

About KOALA Speakers Schedule Titles and abstracts


The Mathematics Departments at both The Ohio State University (Columbus, OH) and the University of Kentucky (Lexington, KY) have a critical mass of faculty, postdocs and graduate students in Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry. Faculty at both institutions often have research collaborations and meet each other at conferences. Younger members of both groups do not have as many opportunities to interact.

KOALA workshops (regular 2-day meetings held once a year, and alternating between both institutions) provide a venue to further expand collaborations between these two groups. Their main goals are:


The KOALA 2025 Workshop will feature talks by three distinguished plenary speakers and some junior speakers from participating Midwest institutions:

Richard Haburcak
(The Ohio State University)
                          Matt Larson
(Princeton University)

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We expect participants to arrive on Thursday June 5 at noon and leave on Friday June 6 in mid-afternoon. Lectures will start at 1pm on Day 1 and end around 3pm on Day 2.

The program is designed to encourage new research initiatives by allowing enough free time for discussion. In addition to the two plenary lectures (and accompanying pre-talks), we will have three additional lectures by postdocs and a lightning session of introductory talks.

All Talks (including the lightning round) will take place in room CH 240. Coffee breaks and the dinner on Day 1 will be held in MW 724.

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Titles and abstracts

Matt Larson:





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KOALA 25 is sponsored by The Ohio State University (through the Mathematics Research Institute) and the National Science Foundation:
