####################################################################################################################################### # Calculation of the 10 nodal points associated to each of the 27 lines on a smooth with no Eckardt points and their tropicalizations # ####################################################################################################################################### # The following script allows to compute the ten nodal points associated to each extremal curve in X. They will be used to compute the associated Pluecker vectors (in the corresponding matroid strata) and characterized them later as the tropical convex hull of its leaves. # The algorithm makes use of the Script "CalculationOfAllPds.sage". The result will be a family, indexed by the extremal curves. Each element of the family is a family of ten elements. Each element in the family gives a different node. We use the lex order on E+F+G to represent them, and the order of the coordinates of each node is given in decreasing order for X+Y. # We verify that tuples of ten nodes associated to a given extremal curve are colinear (since they belong to the extremal curve, which is a line). # We use the computation of the ratios among Cross functions (done in the script 'CrossValuations.sage') associated to the same Eckardt quintic to write the tropicalization of the 135 nodes of the arrangement of 27 lines on a cubic surface in terms of the valuations of the 45 relevant cross functions and the 40 Yoshida functions. This data will be used to compute the boundary tree arrangement on the corresponding tropical cubic surface. # We proceed in several steps: # STEP 0: We load the relevant data for all our computations. # # STEP 1: Find the patterns for 0/infinities in the correspondence matrix and the nodes per extremal curve. # # STEP 2: Computing 10 relevant coordinates for each tropical line and blocks of vanishing entries on classical nodes. # # STEP 3: Calculation of 135 classical nodes (as rational functions in 135 Cross and 40 Yoshida functions) # # STEP 4: We exploit the fact that ratios of suitable Cross functions have determined valuations (linear combinations of Yoshida valuations), to reduce the number of Cross functions with unknown valuations for each cone in the Naruki fan. # STEP 5: Tropicalization of all Nodes as linear functions in 45 relevant Cross and 40 Yoshida valuations # ########################################################################### # Setting up the ambient rings with the W(E6) action. ########################################################################### # A list of variables d_1, ..., d_6 for the coefficients ds = [var("d%s"%i) for i in range(1,7)] # A list of variables E_1, ..., E_6 Es = [var("E%s"%i) for i in range(1,7)] # A list of variables F_12, ..., F_56 Fs = [var("F%s%s"%(i,j)) for i in range(1,7) for j in range(1,7) if i < j] # A list of variables G_1, ..., G_6 Gs = [var("G%s"%i) for i in range(1,7)] # A list of variables X_12, ..., X_65 Xs = [var("X%s%s"%(i,j)) for i in range(1,7) for j in range(1,7) if i != j] # A list of variables Y_123456, ..., Y_162534 Ys = [var("Y%s%s%s%s%s%s"%(i,j,k,l,m,n)) for i in range(1,7) for j in range(1,7) for k in range(1,7) for l in range(1,7) for m in range(1,7) for n in range(1,7) if i