s Linear Algebra - Math 2568 - Autumn 2022

Instructor Info

Name: Maria Angelica Cueto
Email: cueto.5@osu.edu
Office: Math Tower (MW) 636
Office Phone: 688 5773


The homework problems are designed to understand the material discussed during the lectures. You are encourage to solve these problems as the new material is covered in class. Group work is strongly encouraged, but individual solutions must be submitted by each students.

There will be a total of 11 homeworks (due dates are indicated on the course's calendar). Links to the homework assigments (in pdf format) will be uploaded below, the same day the homework is assigned (typically a week before it is due.)

Only three problems from each set will be graded. Each homework set will be worth 20 points (5 points per problem graded plus 5 extra points for completion). No late homework will be accepted without medical excuse, but the lowest score will be dropped.

Homework will be submitted in paper during class.