Photo of Hillel Furstenberg The Ohio State University
Department of Mathematics

Professor Hillel

Hebrew University

Member of the
National Academy of Sciences,
Winner of the Harvey Prize
in Mathematics

Lecture Series:
Ergodic Theory and the
Geometry of Fractals

Beginning February 6, 2001
Tuesdays and Thursdays
1:30 p.m. to 3:20 p.m.       Caldwell Lab, Room 120

Week 1: General Introduction: Fractals, trees and the various
notions of dimension. The dynamics of changing scale.
Week 2: Rudiments of ergodic theory: Ergodic theorems and recurrence theorems
Week 3: Markov trees, random walks on spaces of measures on Euclidean space.
First applications of ergodicity.
Week 4: Homogeneous fractals and their properties.
Week 5: Geometric Ramsey theory for fractals and sets of positive logarithmic
density. Recurrent measures on Euclidean space.

For additional information, please contact: Vitaly Bergelson, Department of Mathematics,
614-292-7173 or