Q: Should a mathematics graduate student take Math 5101-5102 ?
A: That depends on the student's objective. The purpose of this sequence is (obviously) to offer the best and most important results which linear algebra (finite and infinite dimensional) has to offer. A person taking this sequence will find that the offered topics constitute the conceptual foundations found in a large part of mathematics and that their applications lie at the base of modern science and technology. The point of view of this sequence is to highlight, when appropriate, the synergetic relation between theory and applications. For Math603 this becomes particularly evident by scanning the introductory overview.
Q: Should a physics graduate student take Math 5101-5102 ?
A: The two fields of physics that revolutionized twentieth
century physics
are relativity and quantum theory, and both of them rely on the
of linearity in a fundamental way. The student will find
that linear
algebra results in an enourmous increase in the effficiency with
concepts will be grasped. This is in particular also true for
those students
who are stydying classical electrodynamics using the books of,
say, Jackson
or Schwinger. They will find that Math 603.02 is particularly
in that it gives them precisely the kind of mathematics
For example,
by looking at the introductory
overview, the cognescenti will note, among others, the
theory of special
functions is developed implicitly from the principles of group
Q: Should an engineering graduate student take Math 5101-5102?
A: Yes.
Q: Should an engineering graduate student take Math 5102 ?
A: Yes, if your interests/inclinations coincide with one of the following.
Q: Should an undergraduate student take Math 5101-5102 ?
A: As the answers to the previous questions indicate, the earlier you have digested the material in this course sequence, the easier a time you will have in graduate school or in business. However, most undergraduates take this sequence not until their senior year.