K-theory and motivic homotopy theory seminar 

  Year 2013-2014

Time/Location: Tuesdays 4:10pm: JR 295 in Spring semester (unless otherwise noted)

Schedule of talks:


September 17 
Tue, 4:10pm 
Journalism 353 
 Roy Joshua 
Algebraic Cycles and motives: a bird's eye view Joshua
September 24 
Tue, 4:10pm 
 Roy Joshua 
Comparison of motivic and classical operations in motivic and etale cohomology Joshua
October 1 
Tue, 4:10pm 
John Harper 
(OSU, Newark) 
K-coalgebras, TQ-completion, and a structured ring spectra analog of Quillen--Sullivan theory N/A
October 8 
Tue, 4:10pm 
John Harper 
(OSU, Newark) 
On a homotopic descent result for topological Quillen homology of structured ring spectra N/A
October 15 
Tue, 4:10pm 

October 25 
Fri, Special seminar 
Ravindra Girivaru 
(University of Missouri - St. Louis) 
TBA Joshua
October 29 
Tue, 4:10pm 
November 5 
Tue, 4:10pm 
November 12 
Tue, 4:10pm 
Marc Hoyois 
TBA Joshua
November 19 
Tue, 4:10pm 
November 26 
Tue, 4:10pm 
Amalendu Krishna 
TBA Joshua
January 7 
Tue, 4:10pm 
No Seminar 
January 14 
Tue, 4:10pm
January 21 
Tue, 4:10pm 
January 28 
Thu, 4:10pm
February 4 
Tue, 4:10pm
February 11 
Tue, 4:10pm 
Crichton Ogle 
(Ohio State) 
The Milnor Question (conjecture) N/A
February 18 
Tue, 4:10pm
Crichton Ogle 
February 25 
Tue, 4:10pm 
March 4 
Tue, 4:10pm 
March 11 
Tue, 4:10pm 
March 18 
Tue, 4:10pm 
Jeremiah Heller 

March 25 
Tue, 4:10pm 
Bertrand Guillou 
April 1 
Tue, 4:10pm 
Vladimir Voevodsky 
(Institute for Advanced Study) 
April 8 
Tue, 4:10pm 
April 15 
Tue, 4:10pm 
Ben Williams 
April 22 
Thu, 4:10pm
April 29 
Tue, 4:10pm 


(Joshua first talk): In this expository talk, we will give an overview of the field of algebraic cycles and motives. We will also try to introduce basic gadgets that play a major role in the field including perhaps a small introduction to motivic homotopy theory. This will be followed by a second talk the following week on the construction of a motivic differential graded algebra and what may be called "classical" operations in motivic cohomology. Minimal pre-requisite as in first year grad courses in algebra and topology is all that is assumed.

(Joshua second Talk): There are certain other operations, distinct from the cohomology operations introduced by Voevodsky in motivic (and etale) cohomology with finite coefficients. These behave differently with respect to weights and are often called classical or simplicial operations. The talk will discuss the precise relationship between these operations and the motivic operations of Voevodsky. We will also look briefly at the source of the classical operations, which is a certain coherently homotopy commutative and associative ring structure on the motivic complex and consider some applications of this structure.

(Harper Talk I): An important theme in current work in homotopy theory is the investigation and exploitation of enriched algebraic structures on spectra that naturally arise, for instance, in algebraic topology, algebraic K-theory, and derived algebraic geometry. Such structured ring spectra or ``geometric rings'' are most simply viewed as algebraic-topological generalizations of the notion of ring from algebra and algebraic geometry. This talk will describe recent progress, in joint work with M. Ching, on an analog of Quillen--Sullivan theory for structured ring spectra.

(Harper Talk II): This talk will outline and motivate a proof for establishing a homotopic descent type result for the topological Quillen homology of structured ring spectra. A new intermediate result of independent interest, is higher homotopy excision for structured ring spectra, analogous to Goodwillie's higher homotopy excision results for spaces. This is joint work with Michael Ching.

(Ogle Talk I): We discuss the original question posed by Milnor in his paper "Algebraic K-theory and Quadratic Forms" (Inv., 1970). This first talk will be background, covering very classical material: K_1, K_2, Steinberg symbols and the K-theory product, Milnor K-theory, and the partial results proved by Milnor in the very early days of Algebraic K-theory. The objective is to show how efforts to answer this question lead to the work of Voevodsky and others, which ultimately led to Voevodsky's solution of the conjecture.

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