Math 1116
Excursions in Mathematics

Spring 2013
Monday Wednesday 10:10-11:30 in MR 296

Instructor: Dr. John Maharry

Office: Morrill Hall 370

E-mail: or

Office Hours: Mon-Wed-Fri 2:30-3:30, Tuesday 10:00-11:00, Wednesday 11:30-12:00 and by appointment

Web page:

Text: Excursions in Modern Mathematics, Peter Tannenbaum 7th Edition Prentice Hall Link to Textbook Web Site (Contains good practice quizzes for each chapter)

Description: Critical thinking and problem solving, with relavant topics from everyday life.

Calculators: A calculator of some sort is required for this course. We will not need a graphing calculator, but if you have one that is fine. Please ask me if you have questions.

Tentative Schedule:  Click Here

Grading: The final grade will be based on the following:

Note: Missed quizzes will not be made up. If you will miss an exam because of a true emergency, let me know as soon as possible (email is best). See Alternate Grading Method.

Homework: Homework Sets are 20 points each. I encourage each of you to do the "Jogging" Level. If you receive 15 points of fewer on a homework set, you will need to submit the lower level HW set for the same chapter within one week of when it is returned to the class. You will then receive the grade for the easier set. If you are doing well on the homeworks, I will encourage you to move up a level for the next chapter. I will accept homeworks after the due date for 5 points off up to 1 week late. I will not accept them more than 1 week late.
Finally, please be sure to include the problem numbers on your homeworks. (i.e Ch 15 #15(a)) beside each problem. Also, please copy the problem in full before your answer. And last but not least, put your name and date at the top and staple all the pages together. Failure to do these things, makes it much harder to grade and will result in a loss of 5 points.

Grading Scale: (Minimum percentages needed to earn the respective letter grade) (May be lowered at the end of the quarter, but will not be raised.)





















Alternate Grading Method: This will help you if you miss one exam without an accepted excuse or do very poorly on one exam. It will only be used if it results in a higher grade. Take homework total, quiz total, best two exams for 200 points and final exam for 150 points. Find percentage out of those points. Subtract 5% penalty for throwing out one exam. If this gives a higher grade, then this method will be used to determine the course grade.

Academic Misconduct: It is the responsibility of the Committee on Academic Misconduct to handle all reported cases of student academic misconduct. The term "academic misconduct" includes all forms of student academic misconduct wherever committed; illustrated by, but not limited to, cases of plagiarism and dishonest practices in connection with examinations. All instances of alleged academic misconduct are reported (by University By-Law) to the committee. For additional information, see the Code of Student Conduct.

Collaboration (getting together with other students to discuss HOW to solve problems) is encouraged on homework problems. But you must do the work and calculations on your own. Copying any part of someone else's work (on homeworks, quizzes, tests, or exams) and handing it in as your own work is academic misconduct and has serious consequences at this university.

Disability Statement: Students with documented disabilities will be appropriately accommodated for exams. They should inform the instructor as soon as possible of their needs. Students who believe they may have a learning disability should see Marge Hazelett in the Office for Disability Services in the Maynard Hall Services 128 for documentation and assistance.