¥ LTH Help: LapTopHack ESC The ESC key brings up the "LapTopHack ESC" form. A pen stroke from the very bottom right corner of the ENTIRE glass or plastic screen area to the very top left corner of the screen also brings up the "LapTopHack ESC" form. The default ESC key is "`" (back quote). Define your own custom ESC key in your HackMaster extension manager via LapTopHack's Preferences form. To type a real ESC character, just type twice ESC ESC. ¥ Navigational Help ¥ < = page up = 5-way left = previous field char = go to the previous "LapTopHack ESC" panel > = page down = 5-way right = next field char = go to the next "LapTopHack ESC" panel = = 5-way up/down = rotate forward to the next "LapTopHack ESC" panel ¥ General Help ¥ Use the first letters of the button labels. ESC ENTER = ESC ESC = type the ESC character ESC . = The ".Cancel" button ESC SPACE = ESC left/right/up arrow = the upButtonSlided "our ctrl activator" button = the "pPointer" at the previous location ESC BACKSPACE = the "pPointer" at the default location ESC | [absolute value] = the "pPointer" at the current cursor location [if exists] ESC & = the pScript entry dialog ESC - = rotate the sound level downward [decrease => off => decrease] ESC + = rotate the sound level upward [increase => off => increase] ESC _ [underscore] = turn the sound off ESC ! = the "buttonRotator" ESC @ = the "popupListRotator" ESC # = the "selectorTriggerRotator" ESC $ = the "checkBoxRotator" ESC % = the "pushButtonRotator" ESC 1 = the "1" button = activate the default [bold framed] button ESC 2 = the "2" button = activate the default [bold labeled] popup trigger [get popup list] ESC 3 = the "3" button = activate the default [bold labeled] selector trigger [button with gray frame] ESC 4 = activate the default check box ESC 5 = activate the default push button ESC 9 = Palm Preferences ESC a = the "APPS" SilkScreen button [on panel #1 = lists the currently open Palm databases] ESC A = advanced mode = "ESC" label instead of "LapTopHack ESC" form ESC b = the "btnsCust" button = the customizable pScript buttons ESC B x B [0 < x < 1000] = the upButtonSlided "btnsCust" button = the "BtnsCust" button [on panel #1] = go to page #x of the customizable pScript buttons ESC c = the "CALC" SilkScreen button [on panel #1 = the coordinator command] ESC C = the "MENU" command bar in the "LapTopHack ESC" form ESC d = the "date & info" button = pInfoTool ESC D = pDateTool of pToolSet [if installed] ESC e = the "editPad" button ESC E = expert mode = hidden "LapTopHack ESC" form ESC f = the "FIND" SilkScreen button [on panel #1 = lists the currently used feature numbers] ESC F = the downButtonSlided "r" button = the "fieldRotator" ESC G = ESC down arrow = the downButtonSlided "our ctrl activator" button = the Graffiti area "pPointer" at the previous location ESC h = help in the "LapTopHack ESC" form ESC i = the "i-Tips" button ESC j = the "MENU" SilkScreen button [on panel #1 = memory information] ESC J = the "MENU" SilkScreen button in the "LapTopHack ESC" form ESC k = the "kbd" button = "KeyBoard" ESC l [ell] = the "light" [BackLight] button ESC m = the "magiPad" button = full size magiPad ESC M = the upButtonSlided "magiPad" button = shrunken magiPad ESC n = the "nkbd" button = "the numeric "KeyBoard" ESC N = normal mode = visible "LapTopHack ESC" form ESC o [oh] = ESC 0 [zero] = the "our ctrl [control] activator" button ESC O [Oh] = the "Our pointer" button ESC p = the "peditHack" button ESC P = the "Phone" button = the phone lookup command ESC q = the "copy txt" button = copy selected text to the ClipBoard ESC Q = the "copy all" button = the upButtonSlided "copy txt" button = copy all text to the ClipBoard ESC r = ESC 5-way select = the "r" button = the "button & control" rotator ESC R = the upButtonSlided "r" button = the "tableRotator" ESC s = the "scriptPad" button = full size scriptPad ESC S = the upButtonSlided "scriptPad" button = shrunken scriptPad ESC t = the "print" button = printHack [if installed] ESC T = the "ToDo" button = add a new "To Do List" item [via pToDoTool of pToolSet if installed] ESC u = set the "auto power off" timer to the number of seconds in the field next to the "U" button ESC V = the version number and the compilation time'n'date of this LapTopHack [also via the "Util" menu] ESC w = the "power" button = [on panel #1 = "reset" = paper clip reset] ESC x = the "paste" button = paste from the ClipBoard ESC X = the "append" button = the upButtonSlided "paste" button = append selected text to the ClipBoard ESC z = the calendar [view it and then add picked date to the ClipBoard] ESC Z = globalMacroMode and the silent pScript entry dialog ¥ pToolSet commands [if installed] the upButtonSlided "ESC" button = pMasterTool the downButtonSlided "peditHack" button = pTextTool the downButtonSlided "editPad" button = pEditTool the downButtonSlided "magiPad" button = pMagiPad the downButtonSlided "scriptPad" button = pScriptPad the downButtonSlided "&" button = pScriptTool ¥ kScript/lScript/tScript/nScript = see the manual ¥ A pen stroke from the bottom left corner of the Graffiti area to the top right corner of the screen brings up the "Date'n'Time & Voltage'n'Battery" form too. ¥ Note. Once you are in the "LapTopHack ESC" form, you must not type the ESC character. Example. "k = KeyBoard ¥ Please see the manual for details, including all the "Graffiti area hot spots" and the "undocumented features" which are always subject to change. [#8393]