¥ LTH Help: custom pScripts ¥ This is a LapTopHack feature which cannot run "categoryBoundScripts" which is a strictly pedit feature. ¥ Put the [optional] case sensitive expression "custBtnPageTotal=X" anywhere in scriptPad where "X" is any number between 1 and 999 [without leading zeros]. Then you will be able to have exactly "X" pages of ten custom buttons each in the "custom pScripts" form. If "X" is zero, or greater than 999, or the expression is missing, then the default value 1 is used. ¥ Put the [optional] case sensitive labels "custBtn.XXX.0", "custBtn.XXX.1", ... , "custBtn.XXX.9" anywhere in scriptPad. Here "XXX" refers to the page number of the "custom pScripts" form, and it is any three digit number between 001 and 999 which must include leading zeros. The number "Y" in "XXX.Y" refers to the button position in the "custom pScripts" form, and it is any one digit number between 1 and 9 or 0. ¥ The pScriptName of the first pScript [if any] following the given label will appear in the appropriate button label. ¥ Navigational Help ¥ "ESC b" = "ESC B" = brings up this the customized pScrips form "<" = page up = previous field char = left arrow = up arrow = go to the previous page ">" = page down = next field char = right arrow = down arrow = go to the next page "=" = rotate forward to the next page f = F = go to the first page e = E = go the the last [end] page t, v, x, l, c, d, m = go forward by 2 [two], 5, 10, 50, 100 500, 1000 pages, respectively. T, V, X, L, C, D, M = go backward by 2 [two], 5, 10, 50, 100 500, 1000 pages, respectively. ¥ General Help ¥ 1 ... 9 0 = play the pScript assigned to the button 1 ... 9 0 . = the ".Cancel" button s = S = the "scriptPad" button = go to scriptPad ? = h = H = onboard help ¥ Example. Put "custBtn.001.5" before a pScript in scriptPad. Then "ESC 7 5" will play your pScript. ¥ Example. Put "custBtnPageTotal=2" and "custBtn.002.8" before a pScript in scriptPad. Then "ESC 7 rightArrow 8" will play your pScript. ¥ Note. The closer your labels are to the beginning of scriptPad, the faster the "custom pScripts" form operates. ¥ Note. This is for experts only. I recommend that you study pedit's manual which discusses all the delicate rules of pScripting pedit and LapTopHack. Look for the chapter titled "pScripting pedit and LapTopHack". ¥ Please see the manual for details, including the "Graffiti area hot spots" and all the "undocumented features" which are always subject to change. [#8404]