¥ pLaunchTool by PaulComputing pLaunchTool is also known as pDeskAccTool [desk accessory or DA] This is a pToolSet module. Please see the manual for details. ¥ pLaunchTool saves 128 of your recent and 16 * 128 of your favorite search strings each. ¥ pDeskAccTool saves 128 of your recent and favorite search strings each. ¥ The "Favorite APPLs" item in pLaunchList brings up the current "favorite" list. ¥ The "Switch Favorites" command in pLaunchList's "Favorite APPLs" list displays only those favorite lists whose name does not start with "." or it is not the default "pLaunchTool - #X". ¥ Use pScriptTool and the "/&launch []" pFunction for applications residing in non-default directories of external memory cards [see pedit's manual for details]. ¥ Please note that all command letters are case sensitive. ¥ The "Run" label is a button = the "Item pEditor" menu command ¥ The "item" label is a button = the "Switch Favorites" menu command ¥ The "1" through "F" push buttons allow to switch directly to "favorite" lists #1 through #F. ¥ Tapping on a highlighted "1" through "F" push button brings up the current "favorite" list ¥ The "Create pScript" menu command generates a launcher script from the current text ¥ Navigational Help ¥ 5-way left/right/up/down = left/right/up/down arrow keys page up/down = up/down arrow keys = rotate left/right the "1" through "F" push buttons when the "ESC field is invisible ESC ~ = 5-way select = activate pRotatorTool ESC & = the "&" button = pScriptTool ¥ Navigational Help in generic lists ¥ ? = tap in bottom middle border of screen = help in generic lists See the manual for the "Set ListNav Mode" and the "Force ListNav Mode on|off" menu commands. ¥ General Help ¥ The text field can be edited right inside the dialog but see below for more sophisticated editing. page up/down = up/down arrow keys = move the alphabet up/down when the "ESC field is visible downButtonSlided "favorite" button = "Manage Favorites" menu command downButtonSlided "recent" button = "Manage Recent" menu command ESC ? = the "i-Tips" button = help ENTER = ESC r = 5-way select = the "Run" button ESC . [period] = the ".Cncl" [Cancel] button ESC a = the "AddFav" button = save current script string in the current "favorite" list ESC A = the "Appls" button = list the available APPLs ESC b = the upButtonSlided "Run" button = the "Launch Prev[ious] Appl" menu command ESC C = the "Card Appls" button = list the available expansion card based APPLs ESC D = the "Desk Accessories" button = list the available DAs ESC e = the "Edit:" button = the "Item pEditor" menu command = edit the text field ESC F = the "favorite" selection trigger ESC i = the "Instant Mode on|off" menu command = if "on", then one tap in the "recent", "favorite", "Applications", and "Desk Accessories" lists runs APPLs or DAs ESC p = the "pLaunchList/pDeskAccList" button = switch to the plain vanilla pLaunchList/pDeskAccList ESQ q = the "Set StartUp Mode..." menu command = pick the initial action when starting up pLaunchTool and pDeskAccTool ESC R = the "recent" selection trigger ESC V = the "Version Info..." menu command = the version number and the compilation time'n'date of this pLaunchTool