¥ "my Apps" preferences and pLaunchTool/pDeskAccTool/pScriptTool recent/favorite manager by PaulComputing ¥ Use these dialogs (1) to customize your special action applications. (2) to manage your pLaunchTool/pDeskAccTool/pScriptTool recent/favorite lists. ¥ You can assign these applications/pScripts to buttons/strokes/taps. ¥ Use the "add Card appl" button to list all your expansion card or internal drive based applications in the default directories, usually named "/PALM/Launcher" or "/Applications"; see the manuals of pToolSet and pedit for details, search for "/PALM/". ¥ Do not forget to explore the menu commands. ¥ This dialog has full keyboard and 5-way navigator support. ¥ In particular... c = the "add Card appl" button l [ell] = the "move to Last" button o = ENTER = 5-way select = the "OK - finished" button t = the "move to Top" button ? = "i-Tips" help The other buttons can be activated by entering the lower-cased first letter of their label. ¥ Menu commands can be activated by typing their upper-cased command label. ¥ Both the left-hand list and the pop-up lists can be navigated via buttons, arrows, letters, and the 5-way navigator. ¥ In particular... 5 way left/right = scroll the list SPACE = down arrow = page down = 5-way down = go to next item BACKSPACE = up arrow = page up = 5-way up = go to previous item ^ = go to first item $ = go to last item [ = go to top visible item ] = go to bottom visible item @ = go to currently highlighted item ¥ pLaunchTool/pDeskAccTool Help ¥ downButtonSlided "favorite" button = "Manage Favorites" menu command downButtonSlided "recent" button = "Manage Recent" menu command ¥ pScriptTool Help ¥ leftButtonSlided "favorite" button = "Manage Favorites" menu command leftButtonSlided "recent" button = "Manage Recent" menu command After using "Add to list" and while in pEditTool... "QopyExit" button = add current selection to the list "OK" button = "Cancel" NOTE. When leaving pEditTool, the contents of clipboard will be added to the list even if the "OK" button was used to exit.