¥ pEditTool by PaulComputing This dialog allows you to perform text related tasks. This is a pToolSet module. Please see the manual for details. ¥ Please note that all command letters are case sensitive. ¥ "Enter" vs "Switch" If entering then the current pad stays under the new daughter pad. If switching then the current pad is replaced by the new sister pad. ¥ The "E: " button allows you to define your own ESC key. Tap it to reveal the "ESC" definer list which can be used to change the "ESC" key. Hint. If the "ESC" key is active then the "E: " button inverts itself. ¥ Each command item can be activated either by pressing it or by entering ESC + the first letter of its label . Hint. If you see "Ex" after a menu command, then you can activate that command by "ESC x". ¥ Navigational Help ¥ ESC ~ = 5-way select = activate pRotatorTool 5-way up/down = activate pRotatorTool when the cursor is at the very start/end of a text field ESC & = the "&" button = pScriptTool ESC up arrow = page up = previous field character = scroll by one page up ESC down arrow = page down = next field character = scroll by one page down ESC left arrow = scroll by one line up ESC right arrow = scroll by one line down ¥ Navigational Help in generic lists ¥ ? = tap in bottom middle border of screen = help in generic lists ¥ General Help ¥ tap outside shrunken pMagiPad/pScriptPad = reposition it ESC ? = the "i-Tips" button = help ESC ENTER = ESC o [oh] = the "OK" button ESC u x c p s j k f g w q = the "undo", "cut", "copy", "paste", "select", "jump", "case changer", "find", "find again", "word count", and "QopyExit/QopyPaste" buttons, resp. ESC 0 [zero] = the rightButtonSlided "F" button = the "Sticky Font" menu command ESC 5 = "Arrows by 5-way..." menu command = 5-way left/right/up/down moves the cursor left/right/up/down and right buttonSliding the "K" button moves the cursor down [downButtonSliding is not always possible] ESC a = the "Insert pScript" menu command = generate a launcher script for the current application ESC A = the downButtonSlided "U" button = the "pAsciiTool" menu command ESC B = the "Black Buttons on|off" menu command = toggle "black buttons" mode ESC d = the upButtonSlided "X" button = the "Delete Text" menu command ESC i = the upButtonSlided "U" button = the "Insert Char" menu command ESC K = the "Auto Caps on|off" menu command = toggle the "auto caps mode" [automatic capitalization of sentences] ESC J = "Arrows by Sliding..." menu command = left/right/up/down buttonSliding the "J" button moves the cursor left/right/up/down and right buttonSliding the "K" button moves the cursor down [downButtonSliding is not always possible] ESC O [oh] = the leftButtonSlided "F" button = the "Font" menu item ESC S = the "Scroll Bar Rotator" menu command = adjust the scroll bar for righties/lefties/twoies ESC v = the "Verbose Mode on|off" menu command = toggle the local "verbose mode" ESC V = the "Version Info..." menu command = the version number and the compilation time'n'date of this pEditTool ESC w = the "W" button = the "Stats" button [if visible; to the right of the "&" button] ESC X = the "Stats on|off" menu command = toggle the "show the number of characters mode" ESC < - + > = the various window resizer menu commands [only in pMagiPad and pScriptPad] ESC } = the downButtonSlided "QopyExit/QopyPaste" button = the "Previous Pad" menu command = switch to the previous pad of the same type as the current pad. ESC { = the rightButtonSlided "QopyExit/QopyPaste" button = switch between pMagiPad and pScriptPad ¥ Memo Pad ["M" menu] Help ¥ the upButtonSlided "C" button = the "Memo Categories" menu command the leftButtonSlided "C" button = paste a date'n'timestamp of the form "2002/05/02 08:07:14" at the current selection or cursor of your currently focused editable text field the leftButtonSlided "P" button = paste a datestamp of the form "2002/05/02" at the current selection or cursor of your currently focused editable text field the rightButtonSlided "P" button = paste a timestamp of the form "08:07:14" at the current selection or cursor of your currently focused editable text field the upButtonSlided "W" button = the "Memo Details" menu command the leftButtonSlided "E" button = the "Go To ListView" menu command the rightButtonSlided "E" button = the "Go To EditView" menu command ¥ Save/Restore Help ¥ The original text is automatically saved when you enter pEditTool so that you never have to use the "Save Text" menu command. You can always save the current text by using "Save Text". You can always restore the last saved text by using "Restore Text". The save/restore operations do not apply to magiPad and scriptPad. ¥ Misc Help ¥ SMS: Messaging's Chat & Compose windows: rightButtonSlided "Add..." button = pEditTool ¥ The exact format of datestamps/timestamps depends on your Palm format preferences. ¥ Please see the manual for additional information.