
Integral, Probability, and Fractal Measures

Gerald A. Edgar

Springer-Verlag New York, 1998

1998/296 PP., 35 ILLUS./HARDCOVER/$39.95
ISBN  0-387-98205-1
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This book provides the mathematical background required for the study of fractal topics. It deals with integration in the modern sense and with mathematical probability. The emphasis is on the particular results that aid the discussion of fractals. The book follows on Edgar's Measure, Topology, and Fractal Geometry. With exercises throughout the text, it is ideal for beginning graduate students both in the classroom setting and for self-study.


Errata as of March, 2022.

   * PDF file (272 K)

Review (Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society) by Lars Olsen.
Contains a fine survey of the area.

    *PDF file