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Speakers include:
Donu Arapura: Purdue University |
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This conference focuses on algebraic cycles/motives and their connections with arithmetic and mathematical physics. |
Possibility of publishing the Conference Proceedings in the series "Clay Mathematics Proceedings", published by the AMS and the Clay Math Institute. ****The organizers are planning to publish the proceedings of this conference in the above series. For that purpose, we are soliciting articles from the participants (and also other mathematicians working on algebraic cycles). The deadline for submission of manuscripts is November 30, 2008. You need to upload the latex file along with a dvi or pdf file of the manuscripts that you are submitting to the volume by clicking here and then using the instructions on the upload window that opens up. The Clay Mathematics Proceedings is a high quality series and in addition to the referees that the organizers choose, there would be another referee appointed by the Clay Institute to make sure the volume meets the high standards of this series. You may consult http://www.claymath.org/publications/proceedings.php to see other volumes in this series. **Important** The manuscripts need to be prepared in latex making use of the style file "cmip-l.cls". Detailed instructions for preparing your article, including all required style files may be found by clicking here. If you have any further questions in this regard, you may contact one of the organizers. |
6:00p.m-8:00p.m |   Reception at Holiday Inn. |
8:00a.m - 9:20a.m | Coffee, Registration | MW 724 (Math Lounge) |
All talks will be held in room E100 of Scott Laboratory. Click here to see the complete schedule |
****Wireless Access to Conference Participants****The math tower and the rest of the campus has wireless access. To use this, one needs to pick up a username and password at the time of registration. The access is only to the wireless connection "osuguest" and allows access only to a web browser. |
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We have created an on-line registration form that we request you fill out and send it us (see above under
Registration. Just click on
the"send" button after you are finished filling it out). It is important that if you are planning on
attending that you send the registration form to us. In addition, there will be a registration desk set-up
in MW 724 starting 8:00am on March 25, where you may pay registration fees.
There are a block of rooms reserved for the conference at the Holiday Inn, 328 West Lane Ave, Columbus, Ohio, 43201. Tel:1-614-294-4848. (See http://www.holidayinnosu.com/). For reservations mention, The conference on Algebraic Cycles: price $94 per room. (If you are overseas, we suggest faxing your reservation to the hotel.) This is a special rate available only if you are part of the conference. We suggest, though that you wait till early October to do any of this, since the financial support for the conference will be in place only by then.The hotel is directly across from OSU and you can easily walk to the Conference rooms. You may also take a look at the following more or less complete list of hotels and motels in the general campus area. We have to warn you though, that the rates listed there may or may not be the same as what you may be able to obtain. We will be able to provide support towards accommodation for a limited number of graduate students and post docs. A block of double rooms at $59/night have been blocked off at the Varsity Inn (see http://www.varsityinn.com ) which is a short walk from campus. This is mainly for the convenience of grad students/postdocs who may want to make use of the cheaper rates. There is a registration fee of $30.00 for attending the conference, which includes the price for the conference banquet. This will be collected in Room 724 (the lounge) of the Math Tower before talks on March 25. (Only cash or checks accepted.) Lunch. There are several locations on campus and within
a short walk where you can have lunch (See Campus Dining). |
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AddressThe Ohio State UniveristyDepartment of Mathematics 231 West 18th Ave Columbus, OH 43210 Phone:(614) 292-4975 Fax: (614) 292-1479 |
OrganizersReza Akhtar: Miami UniversityEmail: reza@calico.mth.muohio.edu Patrick Brosnan: University of British Columbia Email: brosnan@math.ubc.ca Roy Joshua: The Ohio State University Email: joshua@math.ohio-state.edu David Ellwood: Clay Mathematics Institute Email: ellwood@claymath.org |
Conference is sponsored by Clay Mathematics Institute, National Security Agency, National Science Foundation and MRI of The Ohio State University. |