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May 11 | May 12 | May 13 | May 14 | May 15 | May 16 |
8:00a.m - 9:20a.m | Coffee, Registration | MW 724 (Math Lounge) |
9:30a.m-10:25a.m | Daniel Ramras - IUPUI Co-assembly for Bieberbach groups: beyond the Novikov conjecture |
10:30a.m - 10:55a.m | Break | |
11a.m-11:55a.m | Tyler Lawson - University of Minnesota Continuous homology and topological cyclic homology |
12noon - 1:55p.m | Lunch Break | |
2:00p.m -2:55p.m | Jeremiah Heller - University of Illinois (U-C) Endomorphisms of the equivariant motivic sphere |
3:00p.m-3:25p.m | Tea Break | |
3:30p.m -4:25p.m | David Gepner - Purdue University Localization sequences in the algebraic K-theory of ring spectra |
8:00a.m - 8:55a.m | Coffee | MW 724 (Math Lounge) |
9:00a.m-9:55a.m | Marco Schlichting - University of Warwick Homology stability for SL_n and Euler classes of projective modules |
10:00a.m - 10:25a.m | Break | |
10:30a.m-11:25a.m | Pablo Pelaez - UNAM The slice filtration in motivic homotopy theory |
11:30a.m - 1:55p.m | Lunch Break | |
2:00p.m -2:55p.m | Roy Joshua - Ohio State State University Equivariant Algebraic K-theory and Derived completion |
3:00p.m-3:25p.m | Tea Break | |
3:30p.m -4:25p.m | Gunnar Carlsson - Stanford University Representation theoretic models for the algebraic K-theory of fields:I |
7:00p.m - 9:00p.m | Banquet | Foyer, Level 2: Blackwell Hotel (on campus) |
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8:00a.m - 8:55a.m | Coffee | MW 724 (Math Lounge) |
9:00a.m-9:55a.m | Gunnar Carlsson - Stanford University Representation theoretic models for the algebraic K-theory of fields:II |
10:00a.m - 10:25a.m | Break | |
10:30a.m-11:25a.m | Kirsten Wickelgren - Georgia Tech Motivic desuspension | |
11:30a.m - 2:00p.m | Lunch Break | |
2:00pm - 5:00pm | Free afternoon |
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8:00a.m - 8:55a.m | Coffee | MW 724 (Math Lounge) |
9:00a.m-9:55a.m | Aravind Asok - University of Southern California |
10:00a.m - 10:25a.m | Break | |
10:30a.m-11:25a.m | Amalendu Krishna - Tata Institute Zero-cycles on singular schemes and class field theory |
11:30a.m - 1:55p.m | Lunch Break | |
2:00p.m -2:55p.m | Clark Barwick - MIT Equivariant algebraic K-theory |
3:00p.m-3:25p.m | Tea Break | |
3:30p.m - 4:25p.m | Charles Weibel - Rutgers University The Witt group of real algebraic varieties |
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8:00a.m - 8:55a.m | Coffee | MW 724 (Math Lounge) |
9:00a.m-9:55a.m | Pablo Pelaez- UNAM Towards a motivic spectral sequence for Quillen K-theory over non-reduced and singular schemes |
10:00a.m - 10:25a.m | Break | |
10:30a.m - 11:25a.m | Serge Yagunov - Steklov Institute Motivic Cohomology Spectral Sequence and Steenrod Algebra |
11:30a.m - 1:55p.m | Lunch Break | |
2:00p.m -2:55p.m | Jean Fasel - Institut Fourier Cohomological detection of complete intersections |
3:00p.m-3:25p.m | Tea Break | |
3:30p.m -4:25p.m | Oliver Roendigs - University of Osnabruck |
8:00a.m - 9:25a.m | Coffee | MW 724 (Math Lounge) |
9:30a.m-10:25a.m | Teena Gerhardt - Michigan State University An approach to the algebraic K-theory of Z[C_2] |
10:30a.m - 10:55a.m | Break | |
11:00a.m - 11:55a.m | Wilberd van der Kallen- University of Utrecht |
End of the Conference |
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