MA 362: Elementary Modern Algebra II

Spring 2020
Max Kutler


This is a second course in abstract algebra. Building on our study of groups and rings in MA 361, we will describe a beautiful relationship between group theory and field theory. This relationship, called Galois theory, has many delightful applications. For instance, we will see that some angles cannot be trisected using a ruler and straightedge and that there is no general solution by radicals of a polynomial equation of degree at least 5. A strong emphasis will be placed on communicating mathematics clearly and effectively.

Course Syllabus


Max Kutler, max.kutler(at)uky(dot)edu, POT 707.

Office hours: 3-4 PM MW, 11 AM-12 PM Th, and by appointment.


A First Course in Abstract Algebra, 7th ed., by John B. Fraleigh

For purchase: UK Bookstore, Amazon


Homework will be due each Friday at the beginning of class.

You are encouraged to discuss the homework with other members of the class. If you do so, you should acknowledge their assistance on your submitted homework. Furthermore, you should feel free to use sources beyond your textbook, personal notes, and past homework when crafting your solutions. You must, however, cite any such sources, and you must write up all of your final solutions on your own.