Topological Methods in Group Theory.

A conference in honor of Ross Geoghegan's 70th birthday.

Columbus, OH, June 16th-20th, 2014.

Organized by: Nate Broaddus (Ohio State Univ.), Mike Davis (Ohio State Univ.), Jean-François Lafont (Ohio State Univ.) and Ivonne Ortiz (Miami Univ.)

This conference will gather together mathematicians whose work exploits topological methods to study discrete groups. The conference will be hosted by the Ohio State University in Columbus, OH. It will run from June 16th (Monday) till June 20th (Friday). We will have approximately four plenary talks per day, along with some short talks in parallel sessions in the late afternoons. Wednesday afternoon will be left free for participants to explore Columbus. Talks will end by 1pm on Friday.
The conference will honor the numerous mathematical contributions of Ross Geoghegan. Ross was one of the first mathematicians to use topological techniques to study groups. His textbook "Topological methods in group theory'' is one of the standard references in the area.
Conference Picturet

Download conference schedule and abstracts

Plenary Speakers:

Short Talks:


If you are interested in attending the conference, please send an e-mail to Jean Lafont. Please indicate if you would like to apply for funding (see below). If you are a graduate student, we would also need a (brief) letter of support from your thesis advisor.


There are several convenient hotels we can recommend in the vicinity of the department. If you have applied for funding, please inform the organizers of your arrival/departure dates and hotel preferences. We will make the reservation for you, and arrange for direct payment to the hotel from the grant.


The conference is funded by the National Science Foundation (under grant DMS-1441592) and the Ohio State University Mathematical Research Institute (MRI). Some limited support will be available to participants to help cover the costs of attending the conference. Graduate students and postdocs are particularly encouraged to apply for funding. Here are some downloadable documents related to travel reimbursements:

Contacting the organizers:

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact any of the organizers: