FAQ for Math 1151

Q: Are calculators allowed for exams?
A: In the past, calculators are not allowed in 1151 midterm and final exams. Howeverm due to the special circumstance of this semester, we do not forbid the use of calculator in this semester. But you should not be needing a calculator in the exams, as we intentionally make the calculations to be simple, to let you focus on concepts and problem solving.


Q: Why is my grade not updated even after I have completed the Ximera assignment?
A: For your work on Ximera to be recorded, you need to access Ximera via links on Carmen page. In particular, you should not register for an account on Ximera and should always access Ximera via links in Carmen.


Q: What about the lecture?
A: The instructor Adrian Lam conducts two lectures on MWF, one is at 10:20-11:15am, the other one is at 1:50-2:45pm. The zoom links and password can be found on the Carmen page. Look under "Modules" "Zoom Links"


Q: I heard that the lectures and recitations are being recorded, where can I find the videos?
A: The videos of lecture can be found on the Carmen page. Look under "Modules" "Week X" (X =1,2,3...) "Class Recordings". They should be available shortly after the live lectures/recitations. The transcript will be generated in a few days.


Q: What did you refuse to extend the deadline of an online textbook/online homework?
A: The online textbook and online homework are assigned two to three times a week, and each of them is worth roughly 0.2% (i.e 2 in 1000) of your final grade. Missing one or two of them is not going to affect your grade in the least, so I do not grant extension to online homework (unless there is health or other significant events). Having said that, you should strive to get 100% of the Ximera assignments (even after deadline has passed) your effort will payoff handsomely when it some to one of your written homework / exams. (A written homework is as important as a whole semester's worth of ~30 online textbook assignments.)


Q: I saw that my grade for the online textbook assignment was a 75/100, even though it shows 100% when I access Carmen.
A: Your grade for online textbook (or online homework) can be updated on Carmen only before the deadline of the assignment. It is possible that by the deadline of that assignment you have 75/100. After the deadline, you still have access to Ximera to practise and improve (which you should improve it to 100% to make sure you are not missing any key concepts). But the grades on Carmen will not be updated anymore after the deadline of the assignment has passed. We will resolve the discrepancy of your score on Ximera and the grade on Carmen only before the deadline. (Also, each individual Ximera assignment is
negligible to your final grade..... In contrast, a written homework is as important as a whole semester's worth of ~30 online textbook assignments.


Q: I’m having a hard time accessing the HW from gradescope
A: The PDE file of the written homework can be downloaded from Carmen (e.g. WH1 can be downloaded under "Modules" "Week 2" "Written Homework"). After you finish the written homework, submit the PDF to Gradescope. (In summary, download from Carmen, submit on Gradescope)


Q: I experience difficulty uploading my written assignment to gradescope, so I just send it as an email to my TA.
A: Due to the high number of enrollment in this class, it is our policy to accept assignments submitted via gradescope. Please refer to Carmen "Modules". "Getting Started", "Gradescope Guidelines" for instructions and videos in this matter. Upload your work to Gradescope first, and contact your TA. In special circumstances we can forgive the late submission. Again, you need to get this right, since there are 5 midterm exams and 6 written assignments (not to mention the final exam!) that needs to be submitted via gradescope.


Q: What will be tested on Midterm 1?
A: The syllabus of midterm exams can be found on
the course calendar. The syllabus for Midterm 1 is UF (understanding functions) to ULTDA (using limits to detect asymptotes).


Q: What should I be aware of if I am given permission to take the make-up?
A: (1) The make-up exam is typically scheduled on Tuesday (the day after the actual midterm exam is scheduled) during 8:00-8:40am in the morning; (2) watch for the carmen accouncement to download the exam paper around 7:57am in the morning; (3) Do not download/upload the midterm exam that is scheduled on Monday 8:00-8:40pm. Uploading two midterm exam submission is considered academic dishonesty.


Q: I know I was in the group that our leader has uploaded the file. Why did I got 0 points for my written homework assignment?
A: (1) You are expected to create a group on Gradescope, so that the submission is under the name of all group members. If you haven't done so, please do it in your next group submission. Details on how to add group members to your upload are available here. (2) You can email your TA with the name of the group leader. If your name is indeed on the front page of the submitted file, your TA should be able to update your score.
