Such periodicity divides the infinite -domain of the dynamical system
into countably many equivalent subdomains of size
Taking into account that the ultimate goal is to uncover the statistical
properties of the motion and to make a perturbational analysis of the
system, one desires to compare the motion in successive subdomains.
This is achieved by viewing them as a single equivalence class, a circle
whose perimeter is
. The traversal of successive
corresponds to rotations by
on this circle.
Analogous statements hold for the other three coordinates ,
. They are cyclic, which expresses the fact that the dynamical
system is invariant under translation into these three directions.
This implies invariance under discrete but arbitrary translations,
, and
These magnitudes are to be justified later in the presence of
For the same reason and in the same manner as was done with the
-domain, one divides each of the
, and
domains into
three equivalence classes which are three circles with respective
, and
. The compactification of the four rectilinear spacetime
coordinates into four circles means that Minkowski spacetime
has been compactified (for the purpose of dynamical
sytems analysis) into a four-dimensional torus,