Roy Joshua- Ohio State University Title: Equivariant Algebraic K-theory and Derived completion II: the case of equivariant homotopy K-theory and applications
Abstract : This is a report on work in progress with Gunnar Carlsson and Pablo Pelaez. Derived completion is a technique that originated slightly over 20 years ago. In the first part of this work, we proved
a derived completion theorem for equivariant G-theory, extending the work of Atiyah and Segal in the topological case and that of Thomason for equivariant G-theory with finite coefficients and with the Bott-element inverted. In the present work we extend these results to equivariant homotopy K-theory and discuss applications to equivariant Riemann-Roch problems.
Link to the talk
Gregory Pearlstein - University of Pisa
Title: Infinitesimal Torelli and rigidity results for a remarkable class of elliptic surfaces
Abstract: I will discuss joint work with Chris Peters which extends rigidity results of Arakalov, Faltings and Peters to period maps arising from families of complex algebraic varieties which are non-necessarily proper or smooth. Inspired by recent work with P. Gallardo, L. Schaffler, Z. Zhang, I will discuss two classes of elliptic surfaces which can be presented as hypersurfaces in weighted projective spaces which have a unique canonical curve. In each case, we will show that infinitesimal Torelli fails for H^2 of the compact surface, but is restored when one considers the period map for the complement of the canonical curve.
Link to the talk
Ursula Whitcher - American Math Society
Title: Highly symmetric Calabi-Yau Grassmannian hypersurfaces
Abstract:We use computational techniques based on work of Fatighenti and Mongardi
to study the Hodge structure of families of Calabi-Yau varieties
realized as quotients of Grassmannian hypersurfaces by abelian groups.
We show that, in contrast to a proposal of Coates, Doran, and
Kalashnikov, these families do not yield a direct generalization of the
classical Greene-Plesser mirror construction, but they do provide a new
perspective on the Calabi-Yau landscape.
Link to the talk
Pablo Pelaez - UNAM, Mexico
Title: Incidence equivalence and the Bloch-Beilinson filtration
Abstract: We will present an approach to the Bloch-Beilinson filtration via Voevodsky’s triangulated category of motives, and show that the second step of the filtration is given by cycles incident equivalent to zero.
Link to the talk