| Cubical approximation for directed topology II |
| The Uniform Homotopy Category |
| Invertibility in category representations |
| A Hurewicz model structure for directed topology |
| Triangulations of conal manifolds |
| Positive Alexander Duality for Pursuit and Evasion |
| Flow-cut dualities for sheaves on graphs |
| A Topological Max-Flow Min-Cut Theorem |
| Cubical approximation for directed topology I S. Krishnan, Applied Categorical Structures, 2013, vol. 23, no 2, p. 177-214. |
| A free object in quantum information theory |
| Future path-components in directed topology |
| Covering space theory for directed topology |
| Criteria for homotopic maps to be so along monotone homotopies S. Krishnan, GETCO 2004-2006 Proc., Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci., (2009), vol. 230, pp. 141-148. |
| A convenient category of locally preordered spaces S. Krishnan, Applied Categorical Structures, 2009, vol. 17, no 5, p. 445-466. |