Neil Robertson
Ohio State University
On Degree Sequences
Under Induced Subgraph Inclusion
Taoye Zhang
West Virginia University
Nowhere-zero 4-flow Petersen-minor
free graphs
Huiya Yan
West Virginia University
Every 3-connected claw-free
Z_8 free graph is Hamiltonian
Ju Zhou
West Virginia University
Mod (2p+1)-orientations and
Oleg Pikhurko
Carnegie Mellon University
Degree Sequences of F-Free
Yehong Shao
Ohio University Southern
New sufficient condition
for hamiltonian graphs
Terry McKee
Wright State University
Chord-Set Subgraphs
Xiaoya Zha
Middle Tennessee State University
Spanning subsets of toroidal
and Klein Bottle embeddings
Ryan Martin
Iowa State University
Vertex identifying codes
in graphs: definitions, theorems
and open problems
Jozsef Balogh
University of Illinois
On 2-detours subgraphs
of the hypercube
Nachimuthu Manickam
DePauw University
Terrain Model aquisition
by Robot Teams
Nart Shawash
Oakland University
Minimal Vertex Conectivity
of A_{n,k}
Bob Robinson
University of Georgia
Counting Cycle Decompositions
of 2-regular Digraphs
Chris McClain
Ohio State University
Edge Coloring Multigraphs:
Goldberg's Conjecture
Dave Anderson and
Ann Darke
Eymiha Corporation and Bowling Green University
Cost-Driven Transformation
of Digraphs with Interdependent Nodes
Reza Akhtar
Miami University
Bounds for the edge-bandwidth
of the triangular grid
Matt Walsh
Indiana-Purdue University Fort Wayne
Minimum pth power
domination in graphs
Dan Pritikin
Miami University
k-dependence and (1/2)-domination
in kings graphs
Zevi Miller
Miami University
The edge bandwidth of Hamming
Tao Jiang
Miami University
Bounding Anti-Ramsey numbers
via Turan numbers
Jay Bagga and Sunita Upadrasta
Ball State University
A Graph Editor
and Graph Algorithms Implementation System
Santosh Kumar
Ohio State University
The Disk Covering Problem
Chris Altomare
Ohio State University
Rao's Conjecture
Sergei Chmutov
Ohio State University Mansfield
Chromatic cohomology
theory for graphs
Gexin Yu
University of Illinois
new results on packing of sparse graphs