Click here for my front page and contact
information. Last updated: September 2024.
About me:
I am a Professor in the Mathematics
Department of the Ohio State University, where I am a member of the
Ergodic theory group. I joined Ohio State in 2012 (Assistant Professor 2012-2017, Associate Professor 2017-2020, Professor 2020-). From
2009-2012, I was Chowla
Research Assistant Professor at Penn State, where I was a member of the
Penn State Center for
Dynamics and Geometry. I completed my PhD in Mathematics at
the University of
Warwick in 2009, supervised by Professors Mark Pollicott and
Peter Walters. My research area is ergodic theory and dynamical
systems. I am the organiser of the Ohio State ergodic theory seminar. My
research is currently supported by the National Science Foundation.
I currently advise two PhD students - Katelynn Huneycutt and Austin Allen. Previous advisees who currently hold academic positions include Tianyu Wang, who is currently an Assistant Professor at SJTU in Shanghai, Ben Call who is currently an NSF postdoc at University of Illinois Chicago, and Caleb Dilsavor, who is currently a postdoc at Northwestern.
I am a Senator of the Ohio State University Senate from 2021-2024, reelected for 2024-2026.
I am an Executive Editor of the journal Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems.
I play double bass and bass guitar. Some videos are at the bottom of the page.
Research Interests:
My main research area is ergodic theory and dynamical systems, particularly the 'entropy theory' of this subject. I am particularly interested in connections between dynamical systems and other areas of mathematics. Recently, my work has particularly focused on connections between dynamical systems and geometry. I have also worked on the implementation of ideas related to my pure research in the applied setting of Bioinformatics.
Current Grants:
PI, NSF Standard Grant, DMS-2349915, 'Advances in Ergodic Geometry', 2024-2027.
Preprints: (Available at my arXiv
page here)
Gibbs Measures for geodesic flows on CAT(-1) spaces. Joint with Caleb Dilsavor
arXiv version here, 46 pages.
Some other new work has been announced in talk abstracts, click here.
Three short articles written for the Early Career section of the Notices of the American Mathematical Society can be found here. My most recent one is on a productivity theme and is titled Do Mathematics Every Day.
I gave a series of four lectures for graduate students entering the field in Trieste, Italy, July 2024. The first video is here. The rest of the videos, notes, problems, etc, can be found here.
A series of three lectures on the Katok Entropy Rigidity Theorem for negative curvature surfaces (taught as part of my course Math 7222 Ergodic Theory II, OSU, Spring 2021): Lecture 1, Lecture 2, Lecture 3, Notes here.
Notes from mini-course at Beyond Uniform Hyperbolicity 2019:
Beyond Bowen's Specification Property (II). Videos of the lectures
are published by CIRM here.
Published Papers and Papers Accepted for Publication:
1. 'Equilibrium states for self-products of flows and the mixing properties
of rank 1 geodesic flows'
Joint work with Benjamin Call
arXiv version here, 26 pages. Published in Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 2022, Vol. 105(2), p.797- 824.
2. 'Fluctuations of time averages around closed geodesics in non-positive curvature'
Joint work with Tianyu Wang
arXiv version here, 29 pages. Published in 'Communications in Mathematical Physics', 2021, Vol. 385(2), p.1212-1243.
3. 'Measures of maximal entropy on subsystems of topological suspension
Joint work with Tamara Kucherenko
arXiv version here, 10 pages. Published in 'Studia Mathematica', 2021, Vol. 260, p.229-240.
4. 'Beyond Bowen's Specification Property'
Survey paper joint with Vaughn Climenhaga
arXiv version here, 72 pages, To appear in Springer Lecture Notes in Mathematics Series, CIRM Jean-Morlet Chair Subseries (Fall 2019 Semester)
5. 'Strong symbolic dynamics for geodesic flow on CAT(-1) spaces and
other metric Anosov flows'
Joint work with Dave Constantine
and Jean-Francois Lafont
arXiv version here. Published in 'Journal de l'École polytechnique - Mathématiques (JEP)', 2020, Vol. 7, p.201-231.
6. 'Measures of maximal entropy for suspension flows over the full shift'
Joint work with Tamara Kucherenko
arXiv version here. Published
in 'Mathematische Zeitschrift', 2020, Vol. 294, p.769-781.
7. 'Unique equilibrium states for geodesic flows in nonpositive
Joint work with Keith Burns, Vaughn
Climenhaga and Todd
Arxiv version here. Published in 'GAFA', 2018, Vol. 28 issue 5,
1209-1259. Correction to a proof detail in section 8 is here
8. 'The weak specification property for geodesic flows on CAT(-1)
Joint work with Dave Constantine
and Jean-Francois Lafont
arXiv version here. Published in 'Groups, Geometry and Dynamics', 2020, Vol. 14 issue 1, p.297-336.
9. 'Fat flats in rank one manifolds'
Joint work with Dave Constantine, Jean-Francois Lafont and Ben McReynolds
Arxiv version here. Published in 'Michigan Mathematical Journal', 2019, Vol. 68 issue 2, p.251-275.
10. 'Unique equilibrium states for Bonatti-Viana diffeomorphisms'
Joint work with Vaughn
Climenhaga and Todd Fisher
Arxiv version here. Published in 'Nonlinearity', 2018, Vol. 31 issue 6, p,2532-2577.
11. 'Generalized beta-transformations and the entropy of unimodal maps'
Arxiv version here. Published
in 'Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici', 2017, Vol. 92 issue 4, p.777-800.
12. 'A suspension flow over the full shift with two distinct measures
of maximal entropy'
Joint work with Tamara Kucherenko
Published in 'Topology
Proceedings', 2018, Vol. 52, p.321-328.
13. 'Unique equilibrium states for Mane diffeomorphisms'
Joint work with Vaughn
Climenhaga and Todd Fisher
Arxiv version here. Published in 'Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems', 2019, Vol. 39 issue 9, p.2433-2455.
14. 'Unique equilibrium states for flows and homeomorphisms with non-uniform structure'
Joint work with Vaughn
Climenhaga, Arxiv version here
Published in 'Advances in Mathematics', 2016, Vol. 303, p.745-799.
15. 'Large deviations for systems with non-uniform structure'
Joint work with Vaughn
Climenhaga and
Kenichiro Yamamoto, Arxiv version here
Published in 'Transactions of the
American Mathematical Society', 2017, Vol 369, p.4167-4192. Small correction
16. 'Coding sequence density estimation via topological pressure'
Joint work with David Koslicki, Arxiv
version here
Published in the 'Jounal of
Mathematical Biology', 2015, Vol.70 issue 1-2, p.45-69
17. 'Intrinsic ergodicity via obstruction entropies'
Joint work with Vaughn
Climenhaga, Arxiv version here
Published in 'Ergodic Theory and
Dynamical Systems', 2014 Vol 34 issue 6, p.1816-1831
18. 'Equilibrium states beyond specification and the Bowen property'
Joint work with Vaughn
Arxiv version here
Published in 'Journal of the London
Mathematical Society', 2013, Vol. 87 part 2, p.401-427.
19. 'Intrinsic ergodicity beyond specification : beta-shifts, S-gap
shifts, and their factors'
Joint work with Vaughn
Arxiv version here
Published in the 'Israel Journal
of Mathematics' 2012, Vol.192 part 2, 785-817. Small correction
20. 'Irregular sets, the beta-transformation and the almost
specification property'
Published in 'Transactions of the
American Mathematical Society', 2012, Vol. 364 no. 10, p. 5395-5414.
Arxiv version here
21. 'A criterion for topological entropy to decrease under normalised
Ricci flow'
Published in 'Discrete
and continuous Dynamical Systems, series A', 30(4), 2011.
Arxiv version here
22. 'The irregular set for maps with the specification property has full
topological pressure'
Published in 'Dynamical Systems :
An International Journal', 25(1), 2010, p.25-51.
Arxiv version here
23. 'A variational principle for topological pressure for certain
non-compact sets'
Published in 'Journal of the
London Mathematical Society', December 2009, Volume 80, part 3,
Arxiv version here
24. 'A thermodynamic definition of topological pressure for
non-compact sets'
Published in 'Ergodic Theory and
Dynamical Systems', 31(2) 2011, pp. 527-547
Arxiv version here
0. PhD Thesis, Warwick University, 2009, Pdf.
Upcoming Talks and travels:
Talks, etc:
Here are talks and travels from the last couple of years. For my all-time list, and some selected abstracts of the talks, click here
- Conference on Dynamical Systems: Geometric and Statistical Properties, University of Warwick, UK, July 15-19 2024
- Mini-course, Summer school on dynamics, ICTP, Trieste (Italy), July 2024
- Penn State Workshop on Dynamical Systems, Session in honor of Todd Fisher, November 2023
- Dynamics seminar, University of Houston, March 2023
- Plenary lecture, Spring Topology Conference, Rhodes College (Virtual), March 2023
- Dynamics seminar, Northwestern University, November 2022
- Special session on dynamical systems of geometric origin, AMS Sectional Meeting, Tufts (Virtual), March 2022
- Math Dept colloquium (Online), George Washington University , Oct 2021
- Dynamics seminar (Online), University of Toronto, Nov 2021
- Dynamics seminar (online), Penn State, February 2021
- Expanding Dynamics Meeting (online), Santiago, Chile (and worldwide),
Conference website here, January 2021
- One-Day Ergodic Theory Meeting (online) , United Kingdom, December 2020
- Dynamics seminar (online), Resistencia Dinamica, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, November 2020
- Dynamics Seminar (online), University of Wisconsin-Madison, October 2020
- Dynamics seminar, IUPUI, February 2020
- Speaker, Workshop on Statistical aspects of geodesic flows in nonpositive
curvature, University of Warwick, Jan 2020
- Mini-course (6 part) 'Beyond
Bowen's specification property', joint with Vaughn Climenhaga, Beyond
Uniform Hyperbolicity Conference, Luminy (France), May 2019
- Speaker, Maryland Conference on Dynamical Systems, University
of Maryland, April 2019
Participant/Organizer/Speaker, Workshop on Thermodynamic Formalism, AIM,
San Jose CA, July
- Participant, Conference on Thermodynamic Formalism: Modern
Techniques in Smooth Ergodic Theory, Luminy (France), July 2019
Participant/Organizer, Workshop on Thermodynamic Formalism: Ergodic
theory and geometry, University of Warwick, July 2019
- Speaker, Groups Geometry and Dynamics 1-day conference,
Indianapolis, February 2019
- Dynamics seminar, University of Houston, February 2019
- Dynamics seminar, Brigham Young University, December 2018
- Geometry and Topology seminar, Boston College, September 2018
- Speaker, William Rowan Hamilton Workshop on Geometry and
Topology, Dublin (Ireland), July-August 2018
- Organizer, Conference on Thermodynamic formalism in dynamical
systems, ICMS, Edinburgh, June 2018
- RTG seminar, Geometry seminar, and Math Circle, University of
Michigan, March 2018
- Math Department Colloquium, Michigan State University, February 2018
Conferences, Workshops, Seminars Organized:
Conference in honor of Todd Fisher, Brigham Young University, June 11-13 2024, with Keith Burns, Amie Wilkinson, Davi Obata, Ben Webb and Lennard Bakker
Workshop at BIRS-Okanagan (with Keith Burns, Tamara Kucherenko and Agniezka Zelerowicz) on Thermodynamic Formalism and Geometry, Summer 2023.
Organizer of the Ohio State Ergodic Theory and Probability
Seminar, 2012 - 2022
Workshop on best practices in Graduate Advising at Ohio
State, June 2019, with Angelica Cueto, David Penneys and Krystal Taylor.
AIM workshop on 'Equilibrium states for dynamical
systems arising from geometry', July 2019, with Keith Burns, Vaughn Climenhaga and Todd Fisher.
Workshop on
dynamical systems
Thermodynamic Formalism: Ergodic Theory and Geometry at Warwick
University celebrating the 60th birthday of Mark Pollicott, July 2019, with Oliver Jenkinson, Thomas Jordan and Richard Sharp.
Organiser/mentor (with Jon Chaika, Vaughn
Climenhaga, Boris Hasselblatt and Bryna Kra) for an AMS Mathematics
Research Community
Workshop on Thermodynamic Formalism, ICMS, Edinburgh (Scotland), June
2018. The conference website is here. With Thomas Jordan,
Omri Sarig and Mike Todd.
Midwest Dynamical Systems Meeting at
Ohio State, October 2015. The conference website is here. An archive of past MWDS
conferences is here.
Ohio State Young
Scholars Program 2013 'Building Mathematical Capacity Summer Experience' summer camp
for rising 10th graders, Mathematics director (with my
colleagues John Johnson and Adriana Dawes)
Organizer of the Ohio State Math Department Colloquium,
2013-2014; Co-organiser 2016-2017
AMS special session on
Dynamical Systems:Thermodynamic formalism
and connections with geometry, Western sectional meeting in
Boulder, Colorado, April 2013. With Keith Burns.
Organizer of the Penn State Center for
Dynamics and Geometry seminar, 2009 - 2011
Co-organiser (with Mark Pollicott) of Dynamical Systems
seminar, University of Warwick, 2008-2009
Organizer of workshop Chaotic
Properties of Dynamical Systems, University of
Warwick, August 2007. With Thomas Jordan.
Past Awards and Grants:
co-PI, NSF conference grant DMS - 2230827 'Midwest Dynamical
Systems Conferences 2022/2023' with Roland Roeder (PI) and Osama Khalil.
PI, NSF grant DMS-1954463, 'New Directions in Thermodynamic Formalism for Geodesic Flows Beyond the Closed Riemannian Case', 2020- 2024.
co-PI, NSF conference grant DMS - 1856176 'Midwest Dynamical
Systems Conferences 2019/2020' with Laura DeMarco (PI) and Roland
PI, NSF CAREER award DMS-1461163, 'Entropy in dynamics: connections with geometry,
algebraic numbers, and bioscience', 2015-2021.
I was a participant in an AIM SQuaRE
with Keith Burns, Vaughn
Climenhaga and Todd
Fisher from 2013-2016. The project was entitled "Equilibrium states for geodesic
flows in nonpositive curvature".
2011-2015, NSF "standard" grant
August 2007, ASSEC Conference Competition, Winner (with Thomas
Jordan) of University of Warwick ASSEC (American Study and Student
Exchange Committee) Conference Competition to organise conference
'Chaotic Properties of Dynamical Systems', Warwick Mathematics
August 2007, Awarded London Mathematical Society
Scheme 1 Conference Grant to support the conference 'Chaotic Properties
of Dynamical Systems'
Youtube videos I play bass on:
Quacktronics, Dick's Den, Columbus, June 2024, Quacktronics Play the Beatles full show.
Molly Winters Duo, Comfest, June 2024, Full show.
The Castros, Ace of Cups, June 2024, Full show.
The Deeptones, Columbus Jazz and Ribs Festival 2022, Do Your Thing.
The Deeptones, Comfest 2022, The Letter (Facebook video).
Clayton Denwood, from studio album Tryin' to Resist 2009, Nothing at all and Tryin' to Resist.
Adam Philips Trio, Live from the Big Pink 2007,
Bullet in the Head.