Andrey Gogolev
Department of Mathematics
The Ohio State University
- E-mail gogolyev.1_located_at_osu_dot_edu
- Office MW 522
On leave in the 2024-25 academic year
My research interest is in dynamics and related areas of topology and geometry.
Recent papers and preprints
- Dominated splitting from constant periodic data and global rigidity of Anosov automorphisms (joint with Jonathan DeWitt) Geom. Funct. Anal. (GAFA) 34 (2024), no. 5, 1370-1398.
- A counterexample to marked length spectrum semi-rigidity (joint with James Marshall Reber)
- Smooth rigidity for 3-dimensional volume preserving Anosov flows and weighted marked length spectrum rigidity (joint with Federico Rodriguez Hertz)
- Joint integrability and spectral rigidity for Anosov diffeomorphisms (joint with Yi Shi) Proceedings of the LMS, (3) 127 (2023), no. 6, 1693-1748.
- Smooth rigidity for higher dimensional contact Anosov flows (joint with Federico Rodriguez Hertz) Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 75 (2024), no. 9, 1361-1370.
- Smooth rigidity for codimension one Anosov flows (joint with Federico Rodriguez Hertz) Proceedings of the AMS, 151 (2023), no. 7, 2975–2988.
- Smooth rigidity for very non-algebraic Anosov diffeomorphisms of codimension one (joint with Federico Rodriguez Hertz) and earlier version which includes only the basic 3-dimensional case.
To appear in Israel Journal of Mathematics.
- Riemannian Anosov extension and applications (joint with Alena Erchenko and Dong Chen) Journal de l'École polytechnique — Mathématiques (JEP) 10 (2023), 945–987.
- Abelian Livshits theorems and geometric applications (joint with Federico Rodriguez Hertz) in "A vision for dynamics in the 21st century—the legacy of Anatole Katok." Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2024, 139-167.
- Surgery for partially hyperbolic dynamical systems II. Blow-up of a complex curve (joint with Federico Rodriguez Hertz) Mathematische Zeitschrift, 298 (2021), no. 3-4, 1793–1811.
- Smooth rigidity for very non-algebraic expanding maps (joint with Federico Rodriguez Hertz) Journal of European Mathematical Society (JEMS) 25 (2023), no. 8, 3289–3323.
- Centralizers of partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms in dimension 3 (joint with Thomas Barthelmé) Discrete Continuous Dynamical Systems, series A, 41 (2021), no. 9, 4477–4484.
- Center foliation rigidity for partially hyperbolic toral diffeomorphisms
(joint Boris Kalinin and Victoria Sadovskaya) Mathematische Annalen, 387 (2023), no. 3-4, 1579-1602.
Current students: James Marshall Reber, Thomas Aloysius O'Hare
Danyu Zhang, Ph.D. 2023, (Fibrewise) Anosov Systems
Hao-Tong Yang, M.S. 2022, Anosov Geodesic Flows on Surfaces
Spring 2024: Honors Analysis II, math 4182H,
Fall 2023: Differentiable Manifolds
Spring 2023: Honors Complex Analysis, math 5522H
Spring 2022: Introduction to Real Analysis I, math 4547
Fall 2021: Dynamical Systems, math 4556
Fall 2020: Differentiable Manifolds
Honors Linear Algebra and Differential Equations, math 5520H
Dynamics on your screen, August 3-6, 2020;
A Hyperbolic Day Online , February 4th, 2021
І жах, і кров, і смерть, і відчай,
І клекіт хижої орди,
Маленький сірий чоловічок
Накоїв чорної біди.
Це звір огидної породи,
Лох-Несс холодної Неви.
Куди ж ви дивитесь, народи?!
Сьогодні ми, а завтра – ви.
Ліна Костенко