Math 8800
  Topics in Topology and Geometric Group Theory
Infinite Group Actions on Polyhedra
  Spring 2020

Lecturer:   Michael Davis
    Office:   MW (Math Tower) 616
    Phone:   292-4886
    Office hours:  MWF 12:45 - 1:15 PM

Class:   MWF   10:20 - 11:15  AM
    Call no. 33346
Class room:  Enarson 209

Course Description:   The course focus on some important examples in geometric group theory.  It will be based on a partial draft of a planned book, Infinite group actions on polyhedra.  Topics will include:  quasi-isometries, CAT(0) geometry, Cayley complexes and word metrics, simple complexes of groups, CAT(0) cube complexes and CAT(0) polyhedra, Gromov polyhedra, graph products of groups, Coxeter groups and Artin groups, the Davis complex and the Salvetti complex, Bestvina-Brady groups, hyperbolization techniques, simple groups acting on products of trees, and the relationship between special cube complexes and right-angled Artin groups.

My homepage:  click here    Math Department's webpage:  click here

Lecture notes:  draft.pdf     newdraft.pdf
Jan 6-10, 2020.pdf 
graoh prdts Jan17-19.pdf,   CAT(0) Jan 13-15, 2020.pdf
Jan 24-29BB-Feb.3-6,      BB-Feb 3-12,    Applications-Feb 14-18CoxGps-Feb 21-28.pdf   ,
Bestvina-Brady.pdf      LearyNucinkis.pdf LearyUncountable,     CoxeterGpsBook,  moussongdissertationCharney-Davis,  ?
Charney-Davis-JAMS Serre-Trees.djvuCAT(0)  Bldgs    ?