7212: Functional Analysis
Here you can find the syllabus, a TeX homework template, and the problem list. Here are the notes from 7212 from Spring 2024.
Announcements for 7212
2024/4/10, 15:43 HW 13 Problems 65, 66, 71, 73 are due Wednesday 4/17. Please email me a pdf before the start of class. 2024/4/5, 9:15 HW 12 Problems 59, 60, 64 are due Wednesday 4/10. Please email me a pdf before the start of class. 2024/3/28, 20:09 HW 11 Problems 56, 57, 58 are due Wednesday 4/3. Please email me a pdf before the start of class. 2024/3/20, 12:03 HW 10 Problems 48, 49, 52, 53 are due Wednesday 3/27. Please email me a pdf before the start of class. 2024/3/6, 15:16 HW 9 Problems 41, 43, 46, 47 are due Wednesday 3/20. Please email me a pdf before the start of class. 2024/2/26, 12:12 HW 8 Problems 38, 39, 40, 44 are due Wednesday 3/6. Please email me a pdf before the start of class. 2024/2/21, 13:17 HW 7 Problems 33, 34, 36, 37 are due Wednesday 2/28. Please email me a pdf before the start of class. 2024/2/14, 14:33 HW 6 Problems 14, 31, 32, and 35 are due Wednesday 2/21. Please email me a pdf before the start of class. (As I add problems, the numbering of the previous exercises has unfortunately changed.) 2024/2/7, 12:04 HW 5 Problems 26, 27, 28 are due Wednesday 2/14. Please email me a pdf before the start of class. 2024/1/31, 12:34 HW 4 Problems 19, 21, 22, 25 are due Wednesday 2/7. Please email me a pdf before the start of class. 2024/1/24, 8:24 HW 3 Problems 16, 18, 20, 24 are due Wednesday 1/31. Please email me a pdf before the start of class. 2024/1/17, 16:26 HW 2 Problems 8, 10, 15, and 17 are due Wednesday 1/24. Please email me a pdf before the start of class. 2024/1/10, 11:56 HW 1 Problems 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7 are due Wednesday 1/17. Please email me a pdf before the start of class. 2024/1/5, 14:13 Tentative syllabus posted You can find it above in the files section.
last modified: 2024/4/10 |