Working Group [Summer 2023] MATH 4193, class number 16649 June 5 --- July 28, 2023 Instructor: Sergei Chmutov
CLASSES: Mondays June 5, 9, 12, 16, 3:00-4:00pm at CH-240
Past year programs
Week 1 |   |
Mo. June 5 | S.Chmutov,  Introduction. Knots.    Handout. |
Fr. June 9 | S.Chmutov,  The Jones, HOMFLYPT, and arrow polynomials.    Handout.    |
Week 2 |   |
Mo. June 12 | S.Chmutov,  Graphs and their polynomials.    Handout. |
Fr. June 16 | S.Chmutov,  Ribbon graphs and Thistlethwaite's theorem.    Handout.    |
Week 3 |   |
Fr. June 23 | G.Black, Y.Xuan,  Goeritz Matrix and Knot Coloring.    Slides.    |
Week 4 |   |
Mo. June 26 | L.Lozinskiy, P.Jois,  Virtual knots. The arrow and Sawollek polynomials.    Slides. |
Fr. June 30 | C.Li,  Two Generalizations of Fox n-Colorability via Polynomials and Quandles.    Slides. |
Week 5 |   |
Mo. July 3 | Y.Shen  Alternating knots and Tait Conjecture.    Slides. J.Case  Arrow polynomial and checkerboard colorability.    Slides. |
Fr. July 7 | M.Kikta,  Goeritz Matrices, Tait Graphs, Matroids, and Polynomials.     Slides. |
Week 6 |   |
Mo. July 10 | P.Jois, 
Revisiting the Conway Polynomial for Virtual Links.   
Slides. L.Lozinskiy,  Arrow Polynomial and Checkerboard Colorability.    Slides. |
Fr. July 14 | G.Black, 
Ribbon Graphs and the Bollobás-Riordan polynomial.
Slides. Y.Xuan,  Double Covering of Virtual Link and Pseudo Goeritz Matrix.     Slides. |
Week 7 |   |
Mo. July 17 | Y.Shen,  Some algebraic structures of links: from 0 to ε.    Slides. |
Fr. July 21 | C.Li,  Heap Colorings.     Slides. |
Week 8 |   |
Mo. July 24 | L.Lozinskiy, 
Unknot Checkerboard Colorings: 2 new approaches.
Slides. J.Case,  Arrow Polynomial and mod P Alexander Numbering.     Slides. |
Fr. July 28 | M.Kikta,  Arrow Polynomial from a Gauss Code.    Slides. |