- (with Hayden, Huang, Ruberman and Sunukjian) Exotic
aspherical 4-manifolds, pdf,
- (with J. Huang) Bordifications of hyperplane arrangements
and their curve complexes, J. of Topology 14 (2)
(2021), 419--451. pdf, arXiv:2003.13553
- (with G. Le, K. Schreve) Action dimensions of some simple
complexes of groups, J. of Topology 12 (2019),
1266-1314. pdf,
- (with J. Huang) Determining the action dimension of an
Artin group by using its complex of abelian subgroup,
Bull. London. Math. Soc. (2017) pdf
arXiv:1608.03572 ,
- (with P. Kropholler) Criteria for asphericity of
polyhedral products: corrigenda to ``Right-angularity, flag
complexes, asphericity'', Geom. Dedicata 179
(2015) 39--44. pdf,
arXiv:1102.4670, published.
- (with G. Avramidi, B. Okun, K. Schreve) The action
dimension of right-angled Artin groups, Bull. London Math.
Soc. 48 (1) (2016), 115--126. pdf,
arXiv: 1409.6325, published
- (with A. Edmonds) Euler characteristics of generalized
Haken manifolds, Alg. & Geom. Topology 14
(2014), 3701--3716. pdf,
1402.7096, published
- When are two Coxeter orbifolds diffeomorphic? Mich.
Math. J. 63 (2014), 401--421.
pdf, arXiv:1306.6046,
- The geometry and topology of Coxeter groups, in Introduction
to Modern Mathematics, ALM 33, Higher Education
Press, Beijing--Boston, 2015, pp. 145--158 pdf
- (with J. Fowler and J. Lafont) Aspherical manifolds that
cannot be triangulated, Alg. & Geom. Topology 14
(2014), 795--803. pdf,
arXiv:13043730, published
- (with M. Kahle) Random graph products of finite groups are
rational duality groups, J. of Topology 7 (2014),
589--606. pdf, arXiv, published
- (with S. Settepanella) Vanishing results for the
cohomology of complex toric hyperplane complements, Pub.
Mat. 57 (2013), 379--392. pdf,
arXiv:1111.2866, published
- Right angularity, flag complexes, asphericity, Geom.
Dedicata 159 (2012),
239--262. pdf, arXiv, published
- The Euler characteristic of a polyhedral product, Geom.
Dedicata 159 (2012),
263--266. pdf,
arXiv, published
- (with T. Januszkiewicz and J. Lafont) 4-dimensional
locally CAT(0)-manifolds with no Riemannian smoothings,
Duke Math. J., 161
(2012), 1--28. pdf,
arXiv, published
- (with B. Okun) Cohomology computations for Artin groups,
Bestvina-Brady groups and graph products, Groups Geom.
Dyn. 6 (2012)
485--531. pdf,
arXiv, final version
- (with T. Januszkiewicz, I.J. Leary and B. Okun) Cohomology
of hyperplane complements with group ring coefficients,
IMRN (2011), 2110--2116. pdf, arXiv
- Examples of buildings constructed via covering spaces,
Groups, Geom. Dyn. 3
(2009), 279-298. pdf
- Lectures on orbifolds and reflection groups,
Transformation Groups and Moduli Spaces of Curves (eds, L. Ji,
S-T Yau) International Press, 2010, pp. 63--93. pdf
- (with J. Dymara, T. Januszkiewicz, J. Meier and B. Okun) Compactly
supported cohomology of buildings, Comment. Math. Helv. 85 (2010), 551--582. pdf,
- The Hopf Conjecture and the Singer Conjecture, Guido's
Book of Conjectures (ed. I. Chatterji) Monographie de
L'Enseignement Math. 40
(2008), pp. 80-82. pdf
- (with T. Januszkiewicz and I. Leary) The L2-cohomology
hyperlane complements, Groups Geom. Dyn. 1 (2007) 301--309. pdf, arXiv
- (with J. Dymara, T. Januszkiewicz and B. Okun) Cohomology
of Coxeter groups with group ring coefficients: II,
Algebraic & Geometric Topology 6 (2006), 1289-1318. pdf,
- (with J. Dymara, T. Januszkiewicz and B. Okun) Weighted
L2-cohomology of Coxeter groups,
Geometry & Topology 11
(2007), 47-138. pdf, arXiv
- (with J. Meier) Reflection groups and CAT(0)
complexes with exotic local structures, High-dimensional
Manifold Topology (eds. F.T. Farrell and W. Luck),World
Scientific, New Jersey, 2003, 151-158. pdf ps
- (with B. Okun) L2
-homology of right-angled Coxeter groups associated to
barycentric subdivisions, Topology and Its Applications 140 (2004), 197-202. pdf ps
- (with I. Leary) Some examples of discrete group
actions on aspherical manifolds, High-dimensional Manifold
Topology (eds. F.T. Farrell and W. Luck),World Scientific, New
Jersey, 2003, 139-150. pdf
- (with I. Leary) L2-cohomology
of Artin groups, J. London Math. Soc. 68 (2003), 493--510. pdf, published
- (with T. Januszkiewicz and R. Scott) Fundamental
groups of blow-ups, Advances in Math. 177 (2003), 115-179. pdf ps
- (with J. Meier) The topology at infinity of Coxeter
groups and buildings, Comment. Math. Helv. 77 (2002),
746-766. pdf,
Correction. pdf
- Exotic aspherical manifolds, School on
High-dimensional Manifold Topology, ICTP, Trieste 2002. pdf
- Nonpositive curvature and reflection groups, in The
Handbook of Geometric Topology, eds. R. Daverman and R.
Sher), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2002, 373-422. pdf ps
- (with T. Januszkiewicz and S. Weinberger) Relative
hyperbolization and aspherical bordisms, an addendum to
“Hyperbolization of Polyhedra,” J. of Differential
Geometry 58
(2001), 535-541. pdf
- (with B. Okun) Vanishing theorems and conjectures
for the L2-homology of the
right-angled Coxeter groups, Geometry & Topology 5 (2001), 7-74. pdf ps arXiv
- (with R. Charney) When is a Coxeter system determined by
its Coxeter group? J. London Math. Soc. 61 (2000), 441--461. pdf
- (with T. Januszkiewicz) Right-angled Artin groups
are commensurable with right-angled Coxeter groups, J. of
Pure and Applied Algebra 153
(2000), 229-235. pdf
- Poincaré duality groups, in Surveys in Surgery Theory,
Volume 1 (eds. S. Cappell, A. Ranicki, J. Rosenberg) Annals of
Math. Studies, 145,
Princeton University Press, Princeton, 2000, 167-193. pdf
- (with B. Okun and F. Zheng) Piecewise Euclidean
structures and Eberlein’s Rigidity Theorem in the singular
case, Geometry and Topology 3 (1999), 303-330. pdf arXiv
- (with G. Moussong) Notes on nonpositively curved
polyhedra, in Low Dimensional Topology (eds. K. Boroczky,
W. Neumann, A. Stipicz), Bolyai
Society Math. Studies 8, Janos Bolyai Math. Soc., Budapest,
1999, 11-94. pdf ps
- Buildings are CAT(0), Geometry and Cohomology in Group
Theory (eds P. Kropholler and R. Stohr) London Math. Soc.
Lecture Notes 252,
Cambridge Univ. Press (1998), 108-123. pdf
- The cohomology of a Coxeter group with group ring
coefficients, Duke Math. J. 91 (1998), 297-313. pdf
95 (1998), 635. correction
- (with T. Januszkiewicz and R. Scott) Nonpositive curvature
of blow-ups, Selecta Math. New series 4 (1998), 491--547. pdf ps selecta.pdf
- (with F.D. Ancel and C.R. Guilbault) CAT(0) reflection
manifolds, AMS/IP Studies in Advanced Math. 2 (1997),
441--445. pdf
- (with R. Charney and G. Moussong) Nonpositively
curved piecewise Euclidean structures on hyperbolic manifolds,
Michigan Math. J. 44
(1997), 201-208. dvi
ps pdf
- (with R. Charney) Finite K(\pi,1)'s for Artin
groups, in Prospects in Topology, ed. by F. Quinn, Annals
of Math Studies 138, Princeton Univ. Press (1995), 110-124.
dvi ps pdf
- (with R. Charney) The polar dual of a convex
polyhedral set in hyperbolic space, Michigan Math. J. 42 (1995), 479-509.
dvi ps
pdf published
Correction, 43 (1996),
619. pdf
- (with R. Charney) The K(\pi,1)-problem for
hyperplane complements associated to infinite reflection
groups, J. of AMS 8
(1995), 597-627. dvi
ps pdf pdf from JSTOR
- (with R. Charney) On the Euler characteristic of a
nonpositively curved piecewise Euclidean manifold, Pacific
J. of Math. 171 (1995),
117-137. dvi
ps pdf
- (with R. Charney) Strict hyperbolization, Topology 34 (1995), 329--350. pdf
- (with R. Charney) Singular metrics of nonpositive
curvature on branched covers of Riemannian manifolds,
Amer. J. Math. 115
(1993), 929-1009. pdf
(from JSTOR)
- (with R. Charney) Reciprocity of growth functions of
Coxeter groups, Geom. Dedicata 39 (1991), 373-378. pdf
- (with M. Shapiro) Coxeter groups are almost convex,
Geom. Dedicata 39
(1991), 55-57. pdf
- (with T. Januszkiewicz) Hyperbolization of polyhedra,
J. Diff. Geom. 34
(1991), 347--388. pdf
- (with T. Januszkiewicz) Convex polytopes, Coxeter
orbifolds and torus actions, Duke Math. Journal, 62, (1991), 417--451.
pdf (3.8 MB)
- (with J-C. Hausmann) Aspherical manifolds without smooth
or PL structure, Springer Lecture Notes in Math. 1370, (1989),
135--142. pdf
- Regular convex cell complexes, in Geometry and
Topology, Marcel Dekker (1987), 53-88. pdf (2.6 MB)
- The homology of a space on which a reflection group acts,
Duke Math. Journal 55,
(1987), 97--104. pdf
Erratum 56 (1988), 221.
- Some aspherical manifolds, Duke Math. Journal 55, (1987), 105--139.
pdf (3.1 MB)
- A hyperbolic 4-manifold, Proc. of AMS 93 (1985), 325-328. pdf (from JSTOR), pdf
(what should have been published)
- Coxeter groups and aspherical manifolds, Springer
Lecture Notes in Math. 1051
(1984) 197--221. pdf
- (with J. Morgan) Finite group actions on homotopy
3-spheres, in The Smith Conjecture, Academic Press (1984),
181--225. pdf
(5.2 MB)
- A survey of results in higher dimensions, ibid,
227--240. pdf (1.7
- Groups generated by reflections and aspherical manifolds
not covered by Euclidean space, Ann. of Math. 117 (1983), 293-324. pdf (from JSTOR)
- Some group actions on homotopy spheres of dimension seven
and fifteen, Amer. J. Math. 104 (1982), 59-90. pdf (from JSTOR)
- Universal G-manifolds, Amer. J. Math. 103 (1981), 103-141. pdf (from JSTOR)
- (with W.C. Hsiang and J. Morgan) Concordance classes of
regular O(n) actions on homotopy spheres, Acta Math. 144 (1980), 153--221.
pdf (6.3 MB)
- (with W.C. Hsiang and W.Y. Hsiang) Differentiable actions
of compact simple groups on homotopy spheres and Euclidean
spaces, in Symposia in Pure Math. 32, AMS (1978)
313--323. pdf
(1.1 MB)
- Smooth G-manifolds as collections of fiber bundles,
Pac. Jour. of Math. 77,
No. 2, (1978), 315-363. pdf
- (with W.C. Hsiang) Concordance classes of regular U(n) and
Sp(n) actions on homotopy spheres, Ann. of Math. 105 (1977), 325-341. pdf (from JSTOR)
- Smooth actions of the classical groups, Princeton
University PhD thesis, 1974. pdf (16.4 MB)
- Examples of actions on manifolds almost diffeomorphic to Vn+1,2
, Springer Lecture Notes in Math. 298 (1972), 301--317. pdf
- Group actions on exotic Stiefel manifolds, Princeton
University senior thesis, 1971. pdf (5.6 MB)
Books: Infinite group actions on polyhedra, Ergebnisse der mathematik und
Grenzgebiete 3 Folge 77, Springer 2024. pdf
The Geometry and Topology of Coxeter
Groups, London Math. Soc. Monograph Series 32, Princeton University Press,
Princeton, 2007. pdf
Multiaxial Actions on Manifolds,
Springer Lecture Notes in Math. 643, Springer, 1978. pdf
Abstracts (Oberwolfach
Reports): a) Weighted L2-cohomology of
Coxeter groups, Oberwolfach Reports, vol. 3 (2), 1169-1219, 19/2006.
b) Cohomology of Coxeter groups with group ring coefficients,
Oberwolfach Reports, vol. 3 (4) 2579-2630, 43/2006. pdf c)
Compactly supported cohomology of buildings, Oberwolfach Reports,
vol. 5 (1) 119-172 3/2008. pdf d)
Cohomology computations for relatives of Coxeter groups, vol. 7
1165-1224, 20/2010. pdf Action
dimension of some simple complexes of groups pdf
Book Review: Combinatorics of Coxeter Groups
(by Bjorner and Brenti) Bulletin of the AMS, 45 (2008), 445-449. pdf
Gabor Moussong's thesis:
Hyperbolic Coxeter Groups,
OSU, 1988. better.pdf
Igor Iskhakov's thesis:
On hyperbolic surface
tessellations and equivariant spacelike polyhedral surfaces in
Minkowski space, OSU, 2000. pdf
Dan Boros' thesis: L2-homology of
low-dimensional buildings, OSU, 2003. pdf or Ohio
Dongwen Qi's thesis: On irreducible, infinite, non-affine
Coxeter groups, OSU, 2007. pdf
or Ohio
Aliska Gibbins' thesis: Automorphisms of buildings
constructed via covering spaces, 2013. pdf
Ryan Greene's thesis: The deformation theory of discrete
reflection groups and projective structures, 2013. pdf
Giang Le's thesis: The action dimension of Artin groups,
2016. pdf
Two unpublished papers by Glen Bredon from 1973 on biaxial
actions: Regular O(n)-actions and the twist
suspension of knots. pdf
Classification of regular actions of the
classical groups with three orbit types. pdf
(with M. Shapiro) Coxeter groups are automatic (1991
preprint with gap in proof of "Parallel Wall Theorem"). pdf