Slides of recent talks
- Chongqing Normal University, Coxeter groups, Artin groups,
Buildings, May 14, 2024, pdf
- University of Oklahoma, Coxeter groups, Artin groups,
Buildings, February 24, 2024, pdf
- OSU, online GGT seminar, Bordifications, January 19, 2020, pdf
- Fields Institute, online, Coxeter groups, Artin groups and
buildings of type FC, May 28, 2020, pdf
- Oxford Topology Seminar: BS bordifications, June 10, 2019, pdf
- IMPAN, course: Examples of CAT(0) cubical complexes, April
23-25, 2019: Part I,
- University of Warsaw, Colloquium, April 16, 2019: pdf
- IMPAN, Borel-Serre bordifications, April 12, 2019: pdf
- Indiana Univ., Bloominton Geometry Workshop, April 8,
2018: pdf
- Sao Paulo, Action dimensions of simple complexes of groups,
March 16, 2018: pdf
- MCA, Montreal, Euler characteristics and Haken manifolds, July
27, 2017: pdf
- Fields Institute, Toronto, Action dimension of Artin groups,
June, 2016:
- Ventotene, Betti numbers of residual towers of reflection
groups, September, 2015: pdf
- Cortona, Complements of hyperplane arrangements as posets of
spaces, September, 2014: pdf
- University Sao Paulo, Orbifolds and reflection groups, May,
2014: Lecture
1, Lecture
2, Lecture
3, Lecture
4, Lecture
- University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Aspherical manifolds that
cannot be triangulated, December, 2013: pdf
- OSU, Invitations to Mathematics, September, 2013: Lecture: 1,
- Durham, England, same topic as below, August, 2013: pdf
- Guanajuato, Congress of the Americas, Aspherical manifolds
that cannot be triangulated, August, 2013: pdf
- Tsinghua University, Beijing, The geometry and topology of
Coxeter groups, May 10, 2013: pdf
- Tampa AMS meeting, Cohomology of random graph products, March,
2012: pdf
- Bowling Green, colloquium, Coxeter groups and buildings,
October, 2011: pdf
- Dubrovnik, Right angularity, flag complexes, asphericity, July
2011: pdf
- OSU, Introduction to Coxeter groups, April 2011: pdf
- Rutgers, Compactly supported cohomology of buildings,
December, 2010: pdf
- BIRS (Banff), Graph products, November, 2010: pdf
- Goa, same topic as below, August, 2010: pdf
- Poznan, Cohomology computations for Coxeter groups and their
relatives, June, 2010: pdf
- Oberwolfach, Cohomology computations for groups related to
Coxeter groups, April 2010: pdf
- Paris 13, Cohomology of Coxeter groups and buildings, June,
2009: pdf
- Ferryfest, University of Chicago, Examples of buildings,
March, 2009: pdf
- Conference in honor of Peter Orlik, Fields Institute, August,
2008: pdf
- Hangzhou, July 2008 (Summer School on Transformation Groups
and Orbifolds) Lecture: 1,
2, 3,
- Peking University, June 2008 (Coxeter groups and nonpositive
curvature): pdf
- OSU, Examples of Groups Conference, May 2008 (Coxeter groups)
1, Lecture
- Milwaukee, STDC, March 2008 (Compactly supported cohomology of
buildings): pdf
- OSU, Lefschetz Colloquium, November 2007 (Introduction to
geometric group theory):
- MSRI Introduction to Geometric Group Theory Workshop, August
2007 (Cohomology of Coxeter groups and buildings):
pdf movie
- AMS special session, Oxford, Ohio, March 2007 (L^2 cohomology
of hyperplane complements):
- Morelia, January 2007 (L^2 cohomology of hyperplane
- Centre de Recherches Mathematiques, Montreal, July, 2006 (5
lectures on L^2 Betti numbers):
Lecture 1, Lecture
2, Lecture
3, Lecture
4, Lecture
- Fayetteville, Arkansas, April 2006 (The cohomology of Coxeter
groups with group ring coefficients): pdf
- Greensboro, NC, March 2006 (Examples from Coxeter
Groups): pdf
- University of Western Ontario, February 2006 (Survey of
Coxeter groups): pdf
- Stanford, August 2005 (Weighted L^2 cohomology): pdf
- Bedlewo, Poland, July 2005 (Weighted L^2 cohomology): pdf
- AIM, June 2005 (Boundaries of groups): pdf
- LMS Lectures, July 2004 (10 lectures): pdf
- Munster, June, 2004: pdf
- Mobile, GGT conference, February, 2004 (Weighted L^2
cohomology): pdf
- Budapest, July, 2002 (Andreev's Theorem and Euler
characteristics of 4-manifolds): pdf